Level squish was worst idea since old world revamp


Which brings us back to the issue of you complaining about level squishing… which has nothing to do with our lack of power required to kill old content.

Not seeing the connection here.

I mean i can’t help show helen keller a rainbow either shrug

They literally are not connected issues. Level squishing has absolutely nothing to do with you not being able to do old content. You aren’t understanding what you’re even complaining about.

The main problem is their stat squishes they just can’t keep throwing us more expansions and keep making stat squishes… it breaks everything.

Yes you can…but try doing Halls of Reflection while time walking for WotLK. When you finish the instance, on the airship, there is a portal to Dalaran. If you float over the portal, it states that you must be level 63 to use the portal.

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I really wanna solo Illidaddy in Mythic Nighthold. :frowning:

I guess a major oversight from Blizz or should say that it is activision now since the real Blizzard company died.

Whoever thought handing Blizzard keys to activision made a big error. These activision made expansions shows how much they love the game.

I bet they don’t really play the game. They just make stuff up and call it good even if it is the worst idea ever.

No its the fact they tried to be lazy about it and baseline squished everything now you have to wait for gear power creep to normalize everything.

It wasnt the level squish but the massive stat squish that didnt carry over to older content. I THOUGHT I was going to swoop in and beat down a rare in Arathi doing the stolen presents and while he didn’t pose a threat, his health pool was still very large and it took a bit long. It will catch up with gear.

Why are they required? Plenty of other long running MMO’s out there that have never once squished anything and they still work.

Also it shouldn’t be normalized that we lose anything every time this happens. If all the numbers were squished across the board properly there wouldn’t be issues with scaling.

Because at one point the numbers got so big we got the shortened versions - execute for 2M! ect ect.