Level Anew with Threads of Fate

The auto skips, completes, and accepts make it faster.

Aren’t the WQ giving XP? There’s no way i’m doing the campaign again.

Also for my Tank/Healers I will be chaining dungeons for leveling.

Those have reduced EXP due to Freehold boosting getting nerfed.

Ah, OK. I’ll get it if I do story mode on an alt.

Wait what lol

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I am on my 2nd character. I chose not to do the campaign. At level 54 now going into my second zone. Doing daily and side quest.


I went threads of fate on an alt then quickly regretted doing it.


+1 to this, it was kinda bizarre hearing my guildies trying to find an auto turn in addon that worked for their first character; like why are you playing this game/buying the expansion at all if you’re not going to even glance at the story or any text


Yes I am getting some as I level with Threads.

I also would like the answer to this question about questing transmog. Bump.

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So theoretically if leveling the main campaign is faster could I…

Level to 59 doing instances/side quests/main campaign using war mode (which some people have claimed is faster)

At level 59 chose threads of fate, get to 60 and thus not have to complete the full story mode campaign (which I found I was out leveling quite quickly on my main)?


They really need to up the percentage killing mobs gives. Especially elites. I did a bonus in Ardenweald and both normal and elite mobs gave 1%


As someone who is going to be using this, I’m also going to be annoyed if I’m just missing out on potential transmogs for no good reason.

I love story, but repeating it over and over kills my soul. Please, Blizz, don’t give me a reason to want to do so. :frowning:


Dunno if you already figured this out, but definitely works if you level an Ally first then do horde (or vise-versa)


Mob kills count towards your XP bar, yes, like they always do, but they don’t count toward the “zone progress bar”, which you need to complete the zone, and get the biggest XP reward for that zone in Threads of Fate leveling. When you start a zone in ToF leveling, you get a quest from the zone’s main quest giver, which is the “zone quest”, and it has a progress bar – that progress bar fills by completing objectives (including killing rares), but not from mob kills. And it fills slowly.

a friend regreats doing threads of fate , is way slower

Not having to do any escort quests and getting to focus on what gear I wanted to target and when made threads the far superior option in my opinion. Plus you can get started on collecting Anima and rep right from the get go.

So while it might’ve felt like it took longer to some of you (which it didn’t), you’ve now got a head start over someone not using threads.

I just hit 60 using threads of fate on my priest. The benefit is that you won’t fall behind on WQs. The downside is most of the leveling is dungeon spamming, if that’s not your thing then don’t do it, period. Doing side quests and bonus objectives just feels bad when there’s no bonus reward. Even if they offered DOUBLE exp that they do now, it may still not be worth it…

At the end of the day, the fastest way to level would LIKELY just be doing the campaign as normal outside of tank spamming dungeons (possibly), then doing threads of fate at level 59 & 90% or whatever to skip all the new-to-60 fluff.

I think Blizz will improve on this system for sure, but as of right now it’s not quite worth it TBH.


So I’ve been listening to a few twitch streamers (for the background noise) during all my leveling sessions. The general consensus seems to be that threads of fate is faster with a good/coordinated premade group and speed-spamming dungeons.

For example Towelliee claims a leveling speed of “about 6 to 6 and a half hours” while using TOF - but then again, he is playing with a coordinated/premade group (…like most of these big streamers). I doubt a solo player/casual could pull off a 6 hour alt, especially as a non-tank class.

If you are a solo player or just playing by yourself, it probably is a little slower than just the standard questing route.

For what it’s worth, I haven’t tried TOF yet and have opted just to play thru the campaign mode each time. I’m up to 3 level 60 alts as of today, hoping to finish with a total of 5 level 60 alts by reset (that’s my goal anyways).

I know it’s boring and has waaay too much RP-talking from NPCs, but one thing I do like about story/campaign mode is that I already know exactly what to do for every single quest - just that alone speeds up the process somewhat.

On the other hand, with WQs and similar sandbox content you sometimes waste a lot of time flying/traveling all over the place. Also, some of the WQs are a nuisance and/or take a long time to complete.

~my 2 cents


Thanks for the explanation. That makes more sense.

Hopefully they’ll retune Threads of Fate. Otherwise I might just play this one 60 for now. I’m not ready to run FFIV again.