Level 8 cloak, 5 vessels, 20k coalescing visions

So no? Okay. Glad we could have this conversation where you don’t know what you are talking about :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve seen a lot of videos on the internet too. Doesn’t mean I am going to completely dismiss how difficult some things are like you.

Actually they were different for every spec. The mechanics were different depending on what abilities the class had.

Really? Your toolkit was different but it was the exact same boss, hitting for the exact same amount, with the exact same timers.

That’s even more scripted than M+ which does have differences based on the affixes. Even the seasonal affixes have changed things where you now have to clear different trash sometimes and skip some where you didn’t before unless you had a rogue.

Even the pulls are different between bursting/bolstering/explosive versus not one of those.

No they really weren’t. Imp Mother did the exact same thing regardless of spec. She would spawn some imps that blew up or whatever and then teleported to each side of the room and threw balls at you until you ran over to her. Didn’t matter if you were an Ele Shaman or a Feral(?) Druid.

Im still waiting for your 5 masks full run OP, i already did it, yet i dont find it easy and i find mage tower easier, im sure people will rather agree with you that hasnt done it right.

No… it wasn’t. On Kruul for example there were adds that were stationary for one tank spec and moved for another. I can’t remember which but the moving adds was the hardest part of the encounter for that one spec.

No they were not. The arms warrior/havoc dh was exactly the same. Kick boss, get to his mirror image, dodge balls, burst adds away from boss, don’t stand in bad.

The tank one was literally all the same. Don’t get knocked off, stare at eyeballs, aoe and silence adds, don’t let Velen die, mitigate the number of stacks you get from standing in necros circle, mitigate demons big attack, don’t stand in bad.

Literally the same fight with only some hp changes. The toolkit was different for the class you play. That’s no different than M+ on different toons. It’s still the same scripted event.

Don’t try and play the game of “scripted event is different in this case that I call challenging”… no. It’s still a scripted event and stupidly easy if you did them in Antorus gear with NC.

You’re wrong. All tanks had the exact same challenge. The adds would either aggro to you or velen or you had to sometimes pick them up if no aggro pulled them.

There was no difference. I did it on my warrior, dh, and pally.

Stop making stuff up.

Every game is scripted. I never said scripted is bad. I said repeating the exact same scripted content week after week is bad.

The encounters were not the same for every spec. Although they were more similar for some specs than others. You either have a poor memory or out geared them at which point the mechanics mattered a lot less.

He is correct the adds had different behaviors for different tank classes. I completed them all and know this to be a fact.

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Does lazy game design != bad in your mind?

On that same note, isn’t scripted content what WoW became known for primarily? Sure set pvp matches can be fun, but I don’t remember anyone talking about wow for BG’s or Arenas (though wpvp was something that did attract a number of people). They were always talking about Molten Core or BWL in Vanilla. I don’t remember people really talking about BC. I do remember people blowing up about Naxx, Ulduar, and ICC in Wrath.

The game became popular because of PvE content. “Scripted content.” And you have the nerve to say that “easy scripted content,” which mind you is something you STILL haven’t done fully, is lazy game design?

Crawl back into your hole, bud.

There were like 4-5 total scenarios if i’m not mistaken that all 36 classes did. so a lot of it was shared. 3 tank specs were the same. the healer ones were the same

People were completing these at ilvl 890 or something. 915 trivialized a lot of them… and the base gear in antorus was like 930-940.

no matter what way you look at it, you cheesed mage tower. lul.

except it’s not. it switches week to week. which you would have known if you got out of the easy areas.

it was scripted. the same 2 adds activated in the same exact order and had the same exact abilities.

you could literally write a macro to do it for you step by step and count it down to the second. Mage tower was ony hard when it first game out, literally anyone could do it when you did it.

“i stepped off the plane and saw the paris airport… looked the same as a us airport so i saw all of paris had to offer”

your logic is ridiculously basic and infant like.

no they weren’t.

there were 4-5 different scenarios or something and they were all shared. lots of classes overlapped and did the same scenarios.

no… it was identical for each tank.

I loled too hard at this.

as did I. and you are wrong. each scenario was identical. that’s what made some of them really hard for some classes. Some classes had the insane mobility and utility to keep up and make things trivial. and others did not. Making it more difficult. the actual scenarios were I D E N T I C A L mechanically.

I did them on a lot of characters specs myself. DH, Warlock, Druid, Shaman, Paladin (on all the specs).

Yes actually but you didn’t read the whole thread, also stupid statements get stupid answers.

The only difference between tank challenges that I remember was specifically for bear: Variss’ Aura of Decay was larger than the rest, because they could sit on the outside edge of it and just spam Thrash with legendaries.

Again I say pot meet kettle. Youre in over your head youd be wise to back out now :slight_smile:

You would like the Endless Halls, definitely check it out.

My issue is that the cloak upgrade this week is just vision resistance. I’m gonna wait for next week when the upgrade really matters.

Dude, my friendslist is long and I dont know who you are on it.
You want to double warrior the visions?

Its broflake.

Nope you are wrong, but thanks for trying!

Like I said when I elaborated you decided to skip it so pot meet kettle applies to you too.

I would advice you to back out now.