Which adds acted differently based on the spec you were?
go ahead…
i’ll wait.
you can even look through this to try and find it.
Which adds acted differently based on the spec you were?
go ahead…
i’ll wait.
you can even look through this to try and find it.
That’s probably the point, it’s not supposed to be easy face roll like WQ’s, the currency of Vessels are given value due to the pain in the butt it is to get them, thus making the run more valuable over all.
You are forced to consider options on your toes, it’s fast paced as there is a timer in place, sometimes under pressure you mess up, sometimes you don’t and you knock it out of the park.
I do not like farming the currency but I tolerate it as I simply love Visions. This is some of the best solo player content in the game right now, if Vessels costs nothing, if there was no cap on currency, it wouldn’t have the same value as it does currently.
These guides aren’t very useful. I didn’t use them at the time and the Nether Horrors were different for some tank classes.
Thanks for trying though! Come back when you got something useful to add.
Maybe they just dislike some aspects of the game and want to voice there opinion . I don’t like parts of wow but i still play , mostly because its easy to make wow ftp if i still had to pay to play i may not be playing at all.
You aren’t lol’ing at anything. You are fuming quite obviously and how you took the time to compartmentalize my post and respond to each single statement individually is quite telling to just how invested in this argument you are.
You can do your own research. Your memory is quite obviously terrible. Here’s a reddit thread that lists some of the differences for Kruul in particular:
here’s the first post: (keep in mind that the user listed the differences from his memory and his list is not necessarily comprehensive)
“It is in fact different per tank class. Druids, the circle around inquis is bigger just outside thrash range unless you hvae ekowraiths or luffas. Paladins, everything has more hp afaik, or at least inquis does. DK, those nether terrors or whatever don’t move or you can’t grip them so they just stay there and cast. Monks lack any real form of self healing as well as magic mitigation so I think that’s the most “normal” of them all. For warriors and DHs I’m not too sure what’s different.”
The content is so boring that you farmed up all you could. wow
And actually I am remembering now after reading that guy’s reddit post. The DK adds were stationary but they had more HP. Their AoE was also way more powerful which is what made it so hard compared to other tank specs.
The protection warrior took me the most attempts, but it might have been because I hated it.
Nope… they all cast nether storm and psytalon debuff when you got close in melee. these were the adds you had to stay away form and interrupt. same for every tank.
thanks for trying but ya wrong.
They may have scaled the health, but it was basically the same adds doing the same things challenging the tanks in the same ways.
you knew what you chad to do for every tank and it was constantly the same.
there was no differentiation.
you literally could do the mage tower until it was in your muscle memory.
so lets recap.
You complain and whine about repeated things because visions and dungeons are the same… then forget that they have changing affixes and seasonal affixes that change every few months.
You say mage tower was super challenging yet you did it at the end of legion when it was a face roll. You say they varied from spec to spec when in reality it was the same exact scenario with mayb some very minor adjustments… that you could literally repeat over and over with no actual changes until you got into a pattern to complete them…
You have completed 0 hard content. not the mage tower when it was hard, not M+ in the higher difficulties, not even normal/lfr raids…
All you do is whine about all this hard content you DONT do… and praise the easy content you cheesed when legion almost ended and everything in the mage tower was a face roll.
Nope some moved and some were stationary.
Also, you had to kill them and not avoid them.
Thanks for trying but you are wrong! Let me know when you can prove every fight was exactly the same because you can’t! I am guessing you never did the fights and just read some wowhead articles.
lol. Your memory and perception are so bad that I’m not sure I trust anything you have to say from over a year ago. You sure you even remember this entire thread bud? Don’t think you have the brain power to recap this thread like you just attempted there.
I understand that you want to save face after being proven wrong. I get that. But I thought the mage towers were “I D E N T I C A L”? They weren’t. They were in fact D I F F E R E N T for every spec. The AoE for DK on Kruul was like an order of magnitude higher for DK than certain other specs. On top of the adds not moving at all so they were dealt with entirely differently.
You can attempt to save face some more, but I’m not sure you are making things better for yourself.
i mean… they changed one thing so DK’s couldnt grip them…
they still did nether storm and they still had the psytalon debuff if you got in melee range.
that to me is still the same add.
you’re nit picking one specific thing that happened for DK.
i did them on only 15 specs, DK was not one of them. DH, Druid, pally where and other than a few tweaks the adds did the same things. same debiffs, same damage abilities. Scaling was just different.
I guess the DK one with it not moving so it would negate grip was something i didnt know, but it still made you go to the add like every other class.
you’re trying to turn an and hill into a mountain… the scenarios were all very very similar.
You also said that there were 2 adds on phase 1 of the healing mage tower. Anyone with a half decent memory would recall that there were 3. You do not possess the brain power to argue about things from such a long time ago.
Maybe switch what character you post on if your forum rep is so important to you. You aren’t going to win this one.
There aren’t that many specs of tanks. I did beat 33 of the mage towers though if you want to talk about all of them.
I agreed that the fights were not exactly the same and they are not.
Maybe he wants the devs to fix it and make it back into the game he likes?
They are free to do whatever but when someone posts on disliking almost every aspect of current wow and admit they themselves play only really old content. I’d personally would of left to play a game I found fun.
I never said they shouldn’t or can’t voice their opinions. But trashing it over and over without any tangible feed back doesn’t help anyone.
Okay. So I looked this up and you are right. There were some differences between tank fights. But we’re talking minor differences. They made the circle bigger for Druid’s because they didn’t want them to cheese swipe while never stepping in the circle. The made the pallys have higher health because they did higher dps. The dK adds did no move by default and you need to aggro one for them to all run to you (I think DH has the same issue).
So are they identical? No.
But I would still argue that they’re so very close that you’re basically dealing with the same fight (the druids change actually makes them face the same mechanic the other tanks did so their change made it even more similar).
In the end I feel this is a tangent discussion. In the end, you mention that the only challenging content you see outside of Mythic Raiding is… the mage challenge tower?
I will disagree and say visions are also
Challenging and it’s challenge that you make easier with better titan research and gear and also make harder with masks.
The mage tower had one difficulty per spec that never got harder. Visions actually have a scaleable increase in difficulty.
But hey, you do you. You say certain content isn’t a challenge so that’s why you don’t partake in it. I’d argue that you just don’t like the challenge it presents or don’t want to make the effort to attempt.
Whatever. To each their own.
In the end, Legions content was very similar in terms of challenging content with raiding, pvp, and mythic+. The only difference would be the mage towers which were only difficult for a short while and they were incredibly easy the better gear you got. There wasn’t a system to replay and there wasn’t a system to make the challenge scale up.
So what made legion, in your eyes, better than BfA. What kept you going there?
I only said that visions are not challenging because people said that I avoid challenging content, which is not true.
Mostly I just avoid organized group content (or highly repetitive content like Mythic plus. I do the dungeons when they first come out). That’s why I don’t usually raid or do much rated PvP unless I have a good reason to. I prefer solo content. The fact that I prefer solo content and STILL don’t like visions is indicative of just how bland they are.