Level 8 cloak, 5 vessels, 20k coalescing visions

And I haven’t even completed the assaults for this week yet.

You know this patch is bad when its primary content is so boring you avoid it as long as you possibly can.

Don’t have high hopes for Tower of Torghast and Shadowlands.


Cool story bro, do you actually have anything not trollish to say?


I’m not trolling. I can take a screenshot if you want.


I like the visions.

The daily quests required to actually do them, though, are another story.


Haven’t you just trashed the game over and over. I’m curious why people keep playing games they seem to dislike.


You have 7 keys. You need 5. You’ll be left w/ 2. You need 4 for next week.
Seems fine to me.
You’re just slacking.


Your post serves no purpose other to invite the other trolls to give you replies.

There is no structure and there is no point to it, you don’t actually suggest a fix ( even though visions are great and not a problem) but to start an discussion you might need something beyond " I don’t like it" because reasons.


Well I guess in a sense I’m not playing a whole lot anymore. I only really play old content.

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That’s nice. See you in Shadowlands!


Yeah, I’m not sure hanging an entire expansion’s longevity on Visions is going to work. They say it’s going to be a really dynamic dungeon, but if it is like visions as they’ve also said, it’s not dynamic at all.


shadowladns is bfa 2.0 all you will end up doing is getting your rng lootbox gear upgrades on tuesdays and lfr/n/h radis since most cant do mythic and grind a tower instead of isladns and visions.

its the same game you are playing now.


This is what I think. I also think for example the rep grinds will get even worse since they have kept getting worse since 7.3.

8.0 - removal of grp finder. Reduction in rep per quest.
8.2 - Addition of dailies with inappropriate effort/reward ratio
8.3 - Competition for quest items. World quests no longer shown on map. No rep tokens.

They keep doubling down on a design philosophy that is merely stretching minimal content more and more. That is what visions are and that’s what the Tower will be.


I’m pretty dumb at the moment - working a backside-of-the-clock schedule probably contributes, too. But what does your title have to do with poor content?

My take is that you’ve got good resources available to run some more visions, try them solo for different clears/different strategies. However, I’m guessing you don’t enjoy the Visions? They can be frustrating, true.

But I’m clearly missing something.

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all that they are really doing is a level squish and adding old content back wod garrison 2.0 yes you can bet thats where the mission table will be…lol.

its extremely lazy game design and people will only come back to level then end up quitting soon after they hit 60 and end up doing the same thing they are doing now.

:musical_note: :musical_keyboard: :notes: :musical_keyboard: cool story brooooo… :musical_note: :musical_keyboard: :notes: :musical_keyboard:

:musical_note: :musical_keyboard: :notes: :musical_keyboard: nneeeds moorreee draaaaaagonnnsss… and stufffff… :musical_note: :musical_keyboard: :notes: :musical_keyboard:


Yea I’m burnt out on this whole cloak thing. Been doing other stuff for now.

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Same reason people wake up and go to jobs they hate, because they love misery and want to spread negativity.


I don’t think this content would be so bad if you could go in without a vessel for no rewards. If one could push in and see how hard they could go with out the admission fee I think it would be much better.

As it stands now I want to wait as long as possible to save up vessels just in case I fail some.

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Well I haven’t even finished the assaults for this week. I can’t complete them without cap’ing LOL. So I actually have more like 8 or 9 vessels.

I have to use some vessels before the Uldum assault expires.

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It’s easy to burn out with the same repeating content. I’m hoping torgahst has the best elements of previous systems with added randomness.

No time limits.
Save points
Withered army training allies
Training ground npcs allies for solo play as card options
Upgrades that carry over from other runs.
Systems that are not dependant on running the same content for main gameplay mechanics like corruption.
Inclusive drops from all content to encourage you to do anything you want. Vs fixed drops that some players might not like the content for.

Skippable scenes/ npc dialogues.