Visions are going to be like the mage tower. They might be a challenge now but will be easier later.
In Rift, they used to have, not sure now ,dungeons for one character. This was the same with guild Wars 2. I did them both. They were not easy but I could try and try until I got it. It is not the difficulty of HV is your buying into the run that bogs me.
I had messed up several times so my cloak is only level 6. I have not had any help. I had failed some runs as I got lost and could not find my objectives and ran out of sanity and on another I overestimated the mobs and ran out of sanity during the fight so i was ported out… now on my last run I was able to do one zone, got one page , and the other one almost got it but did not have enough sanity to get the boss to engage me, so I missed the second page. I am sure I messed something up so now I only have 7 k currency to get the vessel and cannot run again an HV until then and that is the most frustrating part for me.
I played Rift, miss my Pink Squirrel and the puzzles!
Anyway, if you’re on your Mage for HV then by all accounts it’s going to be more difficult.
Also you can just run the same area again, the scenario resets so if you are able to get one zone/mini boss then you could always just re-run that zone that you know you can do. Another thing is, it’s Org, it’s the same map, the mini bosses are in locations you can go see right now and run around on your mount to get your route down if that would help you.
Then when you get your confidence up you can take down mini bosses for your pages and then go explore even more and not lose anything.
Anyway, good luck, you got this!
Just quit the game. If random bgs were so rewarding like you imply they are, you wouldn’t be complaining. You only play to maintain this delusion that you are the elite and that the dev team is keeping you down by removing pvp vendors, keeping the strong gear out of your casual hands.
Random BG are far more scripted and consistent than even M+2 though. Your teammates on your m+ group add far more variation even at the +2 level than I’ve ever experienced in BG. BG is just always the same, if your side has better healers you are almost 100% likely to win.
I’m having fun soloing visions as blood dk, can almost get two pages per( which is the cap anyway!)
Just got the 200 sanity for elite thing, which should push me over.
I’m excited for the soloing tower thing! Maybe it will have a similar " point sink",where I’m building towards something.
So what in Legion did you like? The mage tower was essentially repetitive and required you to level multiple characters through repetitive content and was stupidly easy by the time Antorus came out.
So what’s the difference here?
And it just sounds like visions are for you. You don’t like timed events or group events.
Why would you ever choose an MMO when you could pick from a plethora of great single player games?
You keep tellin yourself that. Whatever make you feels better… 2nd post here was yours and its a classic troll not worth anything. You lose! And its ADVISE not advice.
Oh so now I just don’t like timed content? You guys are truly pathetic.
What part of his post gave anyone anything work with? You are exactly the kind of person we was looking to get a reaction from. Oh noes a random stronger told i lose at the internet!
If im “losing” at the internet what are you because no one has agreed with your posts and mine is the most liked on the thread… the people have spoken … you lose
Sue your school because your grammar is pathetic just like your trolling.
I won long ago after your first post to the OP. You’re a troll plain and simple.
Nah i just dont care to elaborate much to two lines of text, what did you “win” exactly?
I am still trying to figure out whats the point of Horrific Visions , whats the goal, it can’t be to level the cloak as you use to cloak for visions
Came back to see if the casual is still slandering people for doing content that they can’t complete, was not disappointed
dude you’re awful at this game. i feel bad for you. theres some old nintendo games or super nintendo games that might interest you.
theres some great solo content on other games besides wow
The mythic plus crowd gets really offended when you dare say that it isn’t hard and diminish their self worth. Water is wet.
Quoted. For. Truth.
Yet another doof who can’t seem to separate WoW from real life.
Also, lotta folks playing for free so.
These forums;
Week 1 were absolutely bursting with posts asking to farm Visions with no restrictions.
Now it’s an onslaught of posts complaining about running the minimum for the weekly upgrade quest…
You all are so darn strange.
A big part of the forums is players figuring out their own cognitive dissonance by the looks of it.
Not nearly as much as the mage towers were. I only have 10 more IL to gain tops. Not 70.