Level 58 boost in Classic is absolutely and demonstrably WRONG

Uh oh… someone with common sense and logic - this is not allowed. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m usually super anti-blizzard on everything but I don’t mind this one, for the sake of a healthier TBC population I think it’s ok. Yeah it kind of kills off the old world but we had that experience with classic, I for one kind of want to play a hunter in TBC but only have a 60 mage in classic and can’t be bothered leveling another character.

There’s an unsub button to deal with the boost in classic. It was bound to show up though since they need alternate methods to make money since current isn’t doing so hot and they have to rely on micro transactions more then good game play. If you want a peek at this games future take a look at PWE games like Champions, STO, etc. Before you know it they’ll be making the bulk of their income off the store instead of game play and be on one developer working on the whole code base…hic!

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doom and gloom with you uh?

Writing on the wall or rather the balance sheet…hic!

Ranting over something that puts more $$$ into Blizzard’s coffers will not help anything I’m afraid. I wouldn’t personally do it, but that’s besides the point. Besides, it won’t hurt your experience in the game just because another player decides to play different than you do :blush:

At least you didn’t say BfA classic

we did that like… 14 years ago.

oh wait… you’re lost.

here you go.


Blizzard cares more about money than the quality of the game experience.

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Simply put, myself and a lot of my friends will not be playing if there is no boost. We’ve already done the grind many times over back in the day – not looking forward to levelling again.

So instead I’ll afk at the start of dungeons & pay a group of mages to power level me. I mean technically I’d be earning it.

Not according to Blizzard who’s allowing boosts. Thank you next.

I depise vanilla content. I started in TBC and I just want to hop in TBC. I slogged through leveling vanilla back then, don’t care to ever do it again

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It isn’t the lazy players. It is Blizz giving people the option to skip the game for cash. Don’t be surprised by this. NO ONE thought Classic was going to be vanilla, in any way.

Or even think like a player who might just dare to want to play a second class at the BC level, while still working a full-time job. They do exist.


This guy mad he spent 3,000 hours leveling up in the most grindy game ever and now people get to bypass that. lol

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I mean… I wouldn’t not play BfA classic if there was no WoD classic :laughing: I’d want it to stop at 8.2.5 though.

Can’t I just start in BC and level up then with the revamped talent and balance changes? Or do you only have the option of either xfering a classic toon or buying a boost?

a troll telling people they are wrong. lol. just lol.

okay you win, I guess I’ll roll a space goat and get ready for-hey wait a minute…

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I hate to break this to you friend, but from what I have seen Classic has more active players than retail servers. If anything, Blizzard is humoring retail at this point.