Level 58 boost in Classic is absolutely and demonstrably WRONG

I like when people talk about how Classic leveling is an achievement when people are blatantly just having mages force feed EXP to low levels to boost them.

Started in BC and level a hunter druid and lock to 60. Will not so again. Gladly will pay to boost if I ever play Class BC

Cant wait to use a boost on my paladin and see the tears of WoW Boomers rage over one of the dumbest cryfests I’ve seen in WoWs lifetime.

I work for my money. If i were to buy the boost, then I earned it.


It can stop at any point before Ion took over .So anything up through WoD

Not only is it wrong, but it lowers the threshold for gold farming bots which is a big issue in itself.

It’s almost like Blizzard encourages it, and normies like you lack any foresight. Or you do, and don’t care which just makes you a bad person when it comes to game integrity.

Am I supposed to feel something that you think poorly towards me? I don’t give a pig’s fart about ‘game integrity’, I care about enjoying my time in a game.


This is why snowflake mentality is a bad thing.

You know retail is part of your subscription?

Snowflakes melt… I’d say Ahnohla does quite the opposite.

You though are perishing at the thought of others purchasing a boost, actual snowflake behavior. (Canuck’s are experts on the white fluffy back breaking stuff)

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I do, and you should probably stop being a snowflake and melting down because someone doesn’t mind something that bothers you.

Not sure what this has to do with anything. I play retail and I will also play BC. If you have a problem with that then well… that’s a you problem.


Like i said, it significantly reduces the threshold for bot famers which is an issue that hasn’t been solved and a problem Blizzard has been very lazy about.

I’m not sure how saying “earn level 58” is just as or more snowflake behavior than “I pay my subscription fee, therefore I deserve X, Y, Z” / “Only MY experience playing this game is important” - it’s pretty much how retail got into the state that it’s in, where everybody is granted welfare epics and legendary’s for little to no effort, and why the social environment of current WoW has pretty much an anti-social barren.

Edit: I can already tell both of you have last-word syndrome, so I’ll just end my argument with the idea that an increased amount of accessibility isn’t necessarily a good thing, and the Blizzard staff should just keep at least the core functions of the game as it was.

Being a Blizzard sellout that’s just ready to open your wallet for them is really weird.

You want more people to play with is that it? I have two max toons, and will be buying a boost because the one I want to play I didn’t level.

I get that you are outraged, but you calling others snowflakes for using the services offered to them is just silly.

I talk with plenty of people. I go out of my way to compliment randoms on their mogs etc. I throw pumpkin heads at those camping the same rare as I do, crack jokes even.

You get what you put out there. It’s not the dystopia you make it out to be in the slightest.

Unfortunately blizzard will be glad to take the money the undisciplined and lazy, they won’t last long anyways a month or two max. Delayed gratification is only for people that work towards and for something.

level boosts and ingame micro transaction/cash shops are cancer.
blizzard should be ashamed. but they are not because lots of people are going to buy it…

1-58… what a waste. arguably the best time in wow is that level adventure
sure it may suck from time to time & take a while

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Cool story, bro. But guess what? It’s happening. Maybe time to get over it, lol.

That would be like me saying, okay pay the 1400 back that they give you in a stimulus and go make it yourself.

I earned it on my current toons.
But two of my friends want to play on a different server. Both will likely use the boost. I may as well. I can’t judge them. They have kids and are really busy.
Once they remember the attunment grinds though they will probably quit lol

Yeah stop being lazy! Play a video game for 40 hours instead of buying a lvl 58 boost!

In this thread, man children reeing about how people play the game.

Stop making these posts. Blizzard is NOT going to change their stance on this.