Level 58 boost in Classic is absolutely and demonstrably WRONG

If people stop worrying about what everyone else does then they’ll probably enjoy this game so much more.

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I don’t/won’t hate on anyone using the boost, I can’t expect the player base to not buy it when the option is given. That being said, I don’t agree with a character boost either. The only way I’d be “ok” with a paid boost is if the option to purchase one required an existing level 58 character on the account like DKs have. This would push back the amount of botters early on in TBC lifecycle to some degree or another, would ensure that players purchasing the boost HAVE in fact leveled through most of Azeroth content effectively ending the argument of players skipping the journey and “not earning it”(minus class knowledge).

My issue with the boost is the fact that it paves the way, opens “that” door up for more monetization which imo was one of many things that aided in the decline of retail…for me atleast. I get that at the end of the day Blizzard is a business and profits are the main goal these days, but profit at the expense of quality? Classic is about reliving or experiencing WoW in it’s early life made in a generation where MMOs were first taking off by a company that cared about their product…retail is where they can monetize and squeeze the players all they want, but none of this belongs in Classic…now this is just my OPINION so… :grin:

Glad you used your Troll alt to make this post!!

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This seems like a quality thread for reddit confidently incorrect.

TBC already happened. This entire thing is a desired money grab.

Only 1 boost per account.
Boost is only for TBC, not vanilla.

I’m okay with this.

You just had to necro this? Couldn’t let it die?

Here we go again boys and girls.

Why not just reply this exact same topic made yesterday instead of necro’ing this 2month old?


get a full time job and a family and you will understand why its amazing to have a level boost

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Why dont you retail trolls stop coming into classic forums and telling us what we should and shouldn’t say or like in a game that you literally don’t play. Why don’t you kindly make like a tree and stop giving your unwanted opinions on subjects you aren’t a part of.

I don’t want to be ‘that guy’ but you claim it is demonstrably wrong but make no effort to demonstrate it.

Agreed. I did one 60 and it was fun experience, doing it a second time has been a slog and im very unmotivated to do it again.

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Naw I will definitely boost. There is nothing challenging about leveling. Should be saying “Don’t pay blizz for the boost pay me gold and afk in dungeons”

All in all me and you have different definitions on what it takes to “earn” something.

Weird post considering OP is talking about every everyone should do when the boosts are already coming lol. I didn’t tell anyone to do anything I said if, no commands. You’re so blinded by whatever that you didn’t even notice the guy you quoted posted on a Classic character lol.

Welp, I ain’t boosting, personally but I don’t see how it’ll hurt me none so see ya at the Dark Portal, or not!

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Getting to world 9 today in SMB 2 (1986) using backwards warps too, and with 100% genuine gameplay, I have to agree with you OP. Getting there with restore points is cheating.

The same for getting to 58 using boosts.

I have 5x 60 and will boost one. Your opinion about it has zero worth for me :slight_smile:

Then I guess you’d have zero trouble if boosts weren’t available at all. We should do that then! Glad we had this discussion.

Putting pineapples on pizza is stupid and wrong. If you think otherwise you are INCORRECT. Period.

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I did earn it. I have two level 60’s in classic, a rogue and hunter. I now have the ability to start a healer. I grinded twice to 60