Level 58 boost in Classic is absolutely and demonstrably WRONG

You can only use the boost once from what I’ve read. So it’s not like people are going to be rerolling and buying new characters constantly

It’s probably just to give people a chance to roll a Blood Elf or Draenei without putting them behind at launch

There is NO boost for classic wow. This is the Classic WoW forum. You are looking for the TBC forums.

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How do players who aren’t in the game yet do that? They can’t. How do players who WANT to play TBC but DO NOT want to play Vanilla Classic do that? They can’t.

And don’t tell me the boost is not for those players. You aren’t in charge of Blizzard marketing. The boost is for NEW players. The boost has PROVEN to add NEW players to every expansion for 6 years.

The boost is not in Classic. The boost is in TBC, a new expansion of a commercial game, being marketed to NEW players (not to you).

I’m gonna use my stimulus checks to buy a bunch of accounts with boosts.

I am not interested in classic, I want to play TBC only, there is no way I am playing it if there is not a level boost.

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What a bad attitude! Will that attitude really attract new players to join the game? Whatever Blizzard decides, they should not use Wallu as their company spokesman.

Are new players more important than Wallu - to an MMO company? Absolutely! Of course! Just one new player can replace Wallu. And will probably have a nicer attitude…

NO!!! GO AWAY!!!



Sure thing buddy.

its like saying, oh my, my country has been bombed and i got military presence telling me how i should poop, but thats just how it is. get over it?

oh i work 70 hours a week. on min pay. but thats just how it is. get over it

my mother has cancer. but thats just how it is, she should get over it

" But guess what? It’s happening. Maybe time to get over it" this sentence is the most retarded thing anybody could say put it in ANY context and its dumb.

I wouldnt mind leveling from level 1 again, IF its a F R E S H realm. Otherwise, forget it. Give me my insta 58 so i can reroll a druid, a class that was never viable in classic, but too viable in TBC.

I find it funny how all the overt supporters of the pay to win boost are clearly, primarily retail players.


It’s ironic that Blizzard offering a “one per account” boost service is bad.

Yet when I run around on my various characters the most common chat I see is something along the lines of “Paying for Stocks Boost” or Mara etc

I can see why some players don’t like this… I mean don’t worry I’m sure there will be plenty of alts, that will still want to pay gold for boost because they can’t use the one time service.

Absurd comment. BC was retail at one point as well. I enjoyed BC, I did not enjoy Classic.

That’s a wierd thing to find funny. Of course it doesn’t bother us, retail has had boosts for years.

Plus the idea of forcing all players to level through classic to play BC sounds like a horrible plan…

It’s a 14 year old x-pack, someone won a long time ago. It will be ok

I truly do believe this but realized the younger generation simply will not stand for it. I even offered free boost to get a tune to lvl 20 and no budge. Gamers aren’t what they used to be. They just don’t have the staying power. I shudder for the future of the workforce.

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“We literally don’t even like classic but we’re over here telling you how you’re dumb for not wanting level boosts in a game that we don’t even play.”
Why on earth are you even commenting here then? Go stay in your forums and stop supporting the ruining of a game that you literally aren’t even a part of.

So, funny story…this post started in GD.

I didn’t even realize the OP had moved it. I understand why you are questioning our comments now.

I guess you’re not the deranged trolls I thought you were then… But now that it’s here in classic discussion… maybe stop trying to convince classic players that they’re wrong for not wanting pay to win elements that weren’t in the original game.

No, it’s actually not wrong. This is because it’s a total opinion one way or another. Someone thinking differently than you doesn’t automatically mean they are wrong and you are right. It’s done, it isn’t gonna change so why don’t you just play the game and move on? You’d rather sit on the forums and insist other people are wrong because you don’t like something. It’s also a game, this notion that anything in it is important or that you earn anything is ridiculous. This isn’t a real life accomplishment that means something. It’s a game. And no, I’m not getting a boost. I have max levels already. So I’m not biased. They are a business, their goal always has been and always will be to make money. If you’re a business and you don’t think that way, you don’t survive long