Level 58 boost in Classic is absolutely and demonstrably WRONG

3 times here, including many more in the 30’s and a 42. i think boosting should not be a thing, but blizzard’s all about making dolla dolla bills, yo.

i’ll be lvling new, yet again…

“I did something once that means i deserve it again for free.”
Please stay in retail if that’s your mentality.

You deserve the characters you leveled and that’s it. You don’t deserve to boost another character.

If that was somehow the case you’d think blizzard would give it to you for free. But they’re making you pay for it… so apparently Blizzard doesn’t think you deserve a boost either :^)

I deleted my 60 horde rogue and am gonna boost an alliance rogue. YOU MAD BRO

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I did earn it. On the half a dozen 60’s and multiple mid level characters I leveled in classic. plus the 5 characters i leveled in original vanilla. and the dozen characters ive leveled on PS’s. As im sure 99% of the people who are going to buy boosts have. stay salty because your unemployed self has time to sit at home 12 hours a day and level your toons as an adult still. For me, I’ll be buying boosts so i can goof around on the couple of classes i dont already have at 60 without “taking time off from work to level” like i hear of so many people doing. because yea, that seems like the answer…“IM GONNA TAKE A WEEK OFF FROM WORK ON LAUNCH TO LEVEL REALLY FAST TO GET TO END GAME ASAP”. well if getting to end game asap is your goal, why not WORK that week, MAKE that money, and use a small portion of that money to just buy the boost. Same effect, less annoyance, and better for the economy (and your employer). get rekt purist.

^ He’s right you know

You really think that a Business will refuse to offer a lucrative option based on principle? There are no principles in Business, there is only profit.

Haha I have multiple accounts and will use the boost on each one. Stay mad.

Try reading this

There are many game companies that care about their own integrity and the quality of their game over maximizing profit. Blizzard used to be one of them.

Admittedly, those types of companies are greatly outnumbered.

Well considering the circumstances I’ll pay for the boost as I don’t see when I will be able to log in and level a single character.

We deserve free boosts at this point honestly. By the time they’re done with maintenance we could have leveled to lvl 58 ourselves.

I did earn it. I went to work, earned the money and used my money to save myself the time of leveling my 6th 60. Get over yourself.

“Im too busy to play games. How DARE you suggest that I should actually have to suffer through the actual game itself to get in game accomplishments. I DEMAND that I am compensated for my time away from the game with being able to exchange real world currency in order to avoid actually playing the game.”

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1-60 is still TBC content, if you wanted to play during TBC you had to level 1-60

Are you saying that the blood elves and draenei don’t have a starter zone, and were never intended to be played through the 1-58 part of the game? also the 1-60 part of the game was altered on release of tbc, because it was and still is a relevant part of the process. Why would they change item drops in instances, reduce XP requirements etc if TBC was explicitly for 58-70

Really trying to reach with this aren’t you.

It should have been blatantly obvious, but I was referring to 60 to 70 content, not 1 to 60 content, which is NOT actually TBC content (with the exception of Blood Elf and Draenei starting zones which will get those playing in them from 1 to 20), in the same way that all the retail expansions are not ‘Shadowlands content’ because I can level through them with Chromie Time that was added in Shadowlands.

I am so excited to buy mine <3

We don’t deserve to have a pristine, classic WoW experience either. And we are to blame. WoW is dead. WoW remains dead. And we have killed it. Yet its shadow still looms. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives; who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves?

so true bestie

1-60 content IS tbc content though. You are expected to level a character to get into the outlands, just because the additional 60-70 content is a feature of the expansion doesn’t mean it’s THE expansion. You have no idea how much content and potential for community building the first 58 levels in TBC provide. People level characters with others, join guilds, try battlegrounds… twink characters in different brackets. To simply write that off as optional by providing a boost is destructive to the game. In a worse way than mage boosting was - which was simply just another symptom of their greedy decision to disable the Athene’s method of leveling (obviously to extend subscription profit). Blizzard keeps dragging their game through the mud in the pursuit of profit, and despite massive outcry, they don’t seem to care. At some point enough is enough… they don’t realize they’re setting themselves up for their own destruction. As soon as a promising alternative comes along Blizzard will be easily forgotten. Loyal fans don’t stay loyal if they are not respected.

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I aint to blame. It’s all the “we’re okay with changes” people that are to blame. And Activision’s poor decisions.

Idk what you’re trying to say but it’s pretty deep and I like it.

No, it’s not.

Let me ask you, was Outland considered ‘Wrath of the Lich King’ content after that expansion launched? Was Wrath content considered ‘Cataclysm’ content after that expansion launched? No, it wasn’t. Just because you had to level through them to get to the current expansion’s content, that doesn’t mean that old content is current expansion content.

The only expansion where 1 to 60 content is considered part of that expansion was Cataclysm, and that’s because they revamped the world as part of that expansion.

Right now if you want to level say, a blood elf, you can choose to do level 1 to 20 in TBC content, which consists of Eversong Woods and the Ghostlands. Or you can choose to go to vanilla content and level there instead if that’s your preference. Either way, once you hit level 20 you must level to 58 at a minimum in vanilla content in order to access TBC content again, which is Outland zones from Hellfire Penninsula onwards.