Level 40 Eyes of the Beast Spec

k, have fun but don’t stay up too late.

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serious business, i get really mad and insta come to the forums when I die, IF I died

from tryhard to cryhard on a single death

i want to break a record

I’d take Intimidation over Improved Mend Pet but that’s just me - otherwise solid build! I did a lvl 25 Eyes of the Beast spec earlier and I like it but had to swap out Improved Revive Pet for Improved Eyes of the Beast

It’s okay if you want to break a record, but don’t break any records for not sleeping.

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I will sleep well and get hydrated before continuing, thanks for the safety check my dear :white_check_mark:


Then y have the 1

What else would I take that is useful to this spec?

I think you’re going to want to take Bestial Wrath…


ngl I died laughing seeing the 2/2 for Eyes of the Beast talents.


You can’t cast abilities in eyes of the beat. The only ability I’ll ever cast is eyes of the beast.

Stop recommending spells I will never cast.

I was going to tell what you’re doing wrong , but since you’re going after lowbies. You’re own your on . Good luck .

How am I wrong?

You don’t understand what is happening obviously. I’m on top of a mountain where no one can reach me casting eyes of the beast and sending my pet in to kill lowbies.

Any other ability will NEVER be cast.

I’m too far away from the pet to pre-cast anything. It will wear off by the time the pet gets to where it is going.

This is a PURE pet spec. I never fire an arrow. I’m also wearing full PVE gear with max agility which boosts the pet’s damage.

This is the best way to play hunter in PVP. I had over 140 kills and 2 deaths doing this.

That KD is unmatched.

The only reason I had any deaths at all is I chose bad spots at first but now I have a spot no one will find.

Because of players like you , Eye of the Beast will be nerfed . I really believe Eye of the Beast was mainly created for AOE farming . Not farming lowbies . There is no honor in it . Saurfang would probably agree with me .

Good I hope it is nerfed or pets are nerfed.

There is a ton of honor in it. I got honor for nearly every kill.

I probably got thousands of honor.

The game says it’s honorable :person_shrugging:

The best part was when I killed many level 25 hunters with just my pet. That was the best part. Hunters can’t play their class so as soon as you attack them they forget how to even move their character and just die.

Sylvanas Windrunner needs to put a leash on you . Some of her undead is getting out of control .

I wish I could play an undead hunter.

No one cares dude… quit while ya behind


You cared enough to post.


Whats the skip cords i need to gank there more but the run sucks

Things I learned from this thread:

  1. Somewhere at some time in the future, a big red pet is going to attack Lakeshire like it’s Godzilla.

  2. 9 out of 10 Doctors recommend at least 7 hours of sleep each night for a restful healthy lifestyle.