Level 40 Eyes of the Beast Spec

The only thing visiting redridge will be a silly whimsical creature who will tuck me in at night. Sweet dreams :heart:

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Here you go bro, happy to help a fellow ganker out.


It will drop you right where they quest.

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You guys are staying up way too late

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Those are the best ganking hours.

Less help is around. :slight_smile:

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hey good morning, i just wanna congratulate you for GDKP’s being officially banned, thereby making you an oracle


Thanks, I also see…

…it’s fuzzy…

… hunter pet nerfs in the future…


Hey man just wanted to say we were all messing with you, having a giggle out of context. But we love ya, all in favor for banning GDKPS, remember, a good nights sleep keeps the goldbuyer away.


And it took -8 days for this to happen…

Getting oooooold.

Does this mean you change your name now? Hope you had a good sleep.

Why would I change my name, I am the oracle.

More armor fo sho