I love the level 11 tanks. Please don’t fix them.
Twinking will NEVER be gone. They have been in the community since the foundation of this MMO. Blizzard will never listen to your silly whining. Deal with it.
I really wanna take you serious but you are a gnome and thats just gross
“Kinda stopped reading here.”
Kinda stopped reading there. You get the energy you give.
You gave piss poor energy in your post.
I just talked to you like a reasonable father never has.
Of course you’re pretending to plug your ears and close your eyes to an education though. Totally fits your childish vibe.
Keep bein’ ignorant and therefore angry, squirt!
You don’t need to be Mythic geared to blast out Timewalkers.
Repeat after me: Timewalkers are low rung stepping stone content.
I’ve been running Timewalking every week since the Anniversary began. I’ve run into maybe five twinks.
All but one were polite.
One said he’d make sure everyone could keep up. One requeued with us just to help us all get our quest done. One asked if anyone wanted to do all of the quests. And another asked which bosses we all wanted to kill.
My experience varies much differently than the fit the forums keep throwing over this. I’m sorry y’all didn’t get chill groups and somehow keep finding all of these twinks.
Whoever defends this trash is a lvl boost seller.
Nope. I’m way to lazy to sell boost.
They’re TW dungeons, get over it.
yeah god forbid we actually get to play our characters in time walking content.
Pressing W is so much fun
You’re the one on the forums crying over people enjoying the game how they want…
Stay classy.
Simple answer to this one. The mentally ill looking for something to complain about.
People with noobs in timewalking: Why can’t you just accept the free carry and be happy?
People as soon as that noob hits heroic dungeons: Why are these noobs leeching from me? Why do they expect everything to be a free carry? shocked pikachu
I think it is and I also find MoP Remix fun.
You get a twink in less than 10% of your dungeons.
Stop whining because you’re not the stronkest in 10% of your dungeons.
This is a serious non-issue. Yet you keep whining.
Some of you are really showing your true colors, and they are HURT. Boo-hoo.
No, I just don’t care enough to want somebody else’s fun in content where it impacts nothing “adjusted”.
To be fair, there’s always been a subset of the playerbase expecting carries. That’s nothing new, lol
Most the time an 11 Twink is only doing around 200 dps on average for a dungeon.
People still do heroic dungeons?
Enough to see complaints about “leechers” every time a VtK thread arises. Wonder where people would possibly build the belief that queued content is something people want to carry them through.