Level 11 Fury Warriors in Timewalking Dungeons

Level 11 tanks…


Not only Fury warriors. Yesterday i was in a team with a lvl 10 healer MW monk who one shot all the dung in minutes.


I did a TW dungeon with an 11 feral druid that was also one-shotting everything.

It was amazing.


It impacts my gameplay because I dont get to do my job. Are you for real?


It doesn’t.

In a… Timewalker. Which is already incredibly low-barrier-to-entry and low-effort-for-success content.


No, because timewalking isnt alwayd a breeze specially as a tank. The higher you go the weaker you get.

I queue to tank. I domt get to press a single button when you decide to ruin the dungeon


If a level 11 fury warrior is doing 3 million + damage, tanking as a dps – in a scaled down dungeon that is meant for quickly leveling alts or doing the weekly only and not in any way shape or form meant to be a judge of how good you are at your character and therefore doesn’t matter except for people who want to be angry at something – then why does gearing and leveling matter!

Because level 11s can’t do mythic dungeon or end game content or delves or even level in the new zones. That is why it matters. Because the old stuff doesn’t matter. Which is why when you go into an old raid at level 80 you can blast through it.


Then you can vote kick them out. Of course you know that the other 3 people aren’t going to agree with that.

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Only time I’ve had it not be a breeze is when I take something that isn’t max level in. My max level characters pretty much just roll it over by themselves.

So it’s ruining the safety-rails-included, quick dungeon… because you don’t get to dictate the pacing?

If you have that much of an issue with somebody speeding up timewalkers, vote to kick them out or leave. :dracthyr_shrug:


It impacts your ego.

Extremely temporarily.

Sounds like you’re actually tanking in order to be the most important person in the room. Since you care so little for the group’s smooth and quick success, you put your personal pedestal ahead of them.

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Sounds like projection, bro.

Like you bullying someone for sharing feedback on something they feel important just because it makes you feel good about yourself.

“Why can’t you just let it happen and enjoy it?”

Who says things like that? I think we all know.


What if it’s the max level tank doing that? (from a Legion TW a couple nights ago, ended up running with a similar group of pugs just clearing some dungeons for badges)

I find myself usually topping dps meters as prot pal in TW at max level, but i think that’s because 1) prot pal is pretty jacked and 2) the mobs in these dungeons are very easily deleted and if i can group 'em up dense-like, it’s justice city on righteous street.

When i get paired with a twink, it’s a game to see if i can beat 'em in dps


Okay and? I like it, I get them done quicker. I welcome all the lvl 11 fury warriors.


Well you dont gear in TW and its mainly for lvling alts, if you want harder content try m+


WoW has had twinks since the dawn of its existance. ITs fun to do. Sorry you hate fun.


Had one of these in my TW dungeons this morning. It was great. Got all 5 done on that char in under 25min. It was great.

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I had the funniest thing earlier. We were doing it with a level 11 warrior.

Ran through, I would pull things with moonfire/sunfire as they’d run up and whack em.

About 60-70% of the way in, they stopped attacking, I didn’t notice. I kept moon/sunfiring.

Get to last boss.

Warrior: “Well, this is why you don’t trust people in WoW” leaves group

crowd + boss descends on me like a raveous plague

Honestly I wasn’t even mad, it made me laugh.


No im actually tanking because I like tanking. Ita that simple. And I dont get to play my character at all hoe hard is that to understand?

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