While I don’t mind regular TW runs (which lets be real at 630-637 gear is still a joke) having a level 11 make it even easier is just fine by me.
If anything I can actually sometimes give them a run for their money using ret pal. 1 min burst + 30 second wings means a good time on every pack. If I want a specific experience or slowly do runs I can organise that if I want and I have before (friend who was learning tanking started in TW).
i’ll happily take all your lvl 11s OP, i only got one queued into my five this week for the weekly and they quit the run halfway through because they got lost. Instead we slugged through the boring dungeons the normal way - i’d’ve loved for a twink to turn up and start blastin’.
Personally, I’d feel pretty bored hitting the same mob 10-times to get him to die, knowing there’s no danger to me and the only difference between hitting the same mob for the zillionth time in the same dungeon ive run countless times depends on whether i get a twink or if im doing Blizzards timegated grind of whack a mole 10 times as opposed to once.
TW is a boring grind when it takes too long for something you’ve already completed countless times over countless years.
How exciting is it to artificially turn the mobs into meat grinders with no chance of failure?
it was originally designed for set groups to progress together as a means for raiders to gear up without having to do multiple difficulties of the same content. It was expanded because of people like you who refuse to socialize with people and want to pug but it was never intended for you. The entire design penalized pug groups in fact.
It’s not like these characters or players are reaching through the screen and destroying your keyboard. IN and out of the dungeon in 5-10 minutes and on to the next. It’s so rare that you would run into them anyway, I don’t get how it can ‘ruin’ things or leave such an impression.
Also, I currently don’t have the expansion, so Im stuck at 70. My Tauren paladin currently has a 482 ilevel and absolutely destroys things in TW. I’ve run hundreds of dungeons out of bordem since the anniversary event till now, and not one person has complained. meanwhile I do 75 to 80% of the group damage. And I could get that characters ilevel even higher, its not even mythic raid geared.
Timewalkers aren’t difficult, and that’s intentional.
Do they have wonky scaling? Yeah. That wonky scaling also means I can do run with friends who wanna mess around on other characters, or just chill and coast through runs while I play Hearthstone BGs.
I like having some content not require my undivided attention.
While getting rid of lvl 11’s in TW can we also get rid of mythic geared raiders from TW they just blast through the content and do several times my damage even when they are a tank. It ruins my experience of getting to slowly go pack to pack utilizing my full CC spell arsenal. Mythic healers also heal too easily and we have no threat of wiping. TW needs to be rigorous and longer then just 3-5 minutes.
Kinda stopped reading here.
Blizz gave you Tier you neither earn or need in Shadowlands, and ever since.
You got Torghast, then many many levels of Torghast.
You got a whole suite of World activities in DF, Time Rifts, Valiance mount and Tyr’s cosmetics being the best things to come out of DF.
And TWW with ever more world activities, and Delves…
You are the target demographic.
Try a little gratefulness. Nobody knows why your panties are twisted and frankly you look goofy af.
Anyways, regarding Timewalking:
You think the devs don’t care when really they’re not very good at what they do. There was no dev who intentionally made 11 Warrs OP and almost any other milestone super-ineffective for the neighbouring levels.
Granted Blizz intentionally scuffed TW XP, and nurfed TW Badges which was deplorable, but that’s somehow not your grievance.
This argument sucks because at least those supposed mythic geared raiders had to get the mythic gear to plow through relatively easy content, level 11 twinks literally just make a new character, and the slightly smarter ones make an allied race character to save time grinding 10 levels.