That’s who you are, huh? Wow.
Fury warrior is very slow at level 11, I’m typically the last one to the fight
if this is true your twink is set up wrong
Funny story.
The only time im aware someone tried to kick me (cuz my GF was in the group), was similar to yours… i was on my Holy Priest Twink and, yep, you guessed it, i was better at tanking than he was and he got all mad and tried to kick me.
The rest of group voted "No’ he got mad and bailed… no problem, nobody was dying, i can kill and keep everyone alive at the same time… we finished the run and the DPS all wanted to stay together! We did a few more runs together, everyone was jovial and happy in the run!
When you’re queuing into groups with random people there’s an expectation that the tank will lead which is why if I don’t get in as tank I just let them lead (unless they say it’s fine). It’s still faster than a normal run since I’m killing everything so fast. In remix everyone just ignored this and I think that’s what led to people being most annoyed. I think if Blizzard would add an avoid xpoff characters option for people who don’t like it it wouldn’t be an issue.
A holy priest is especially good at this because holy nova generates no threat (a vanilla nostalgia mechanic). If they pull and you do 90% of the damage you’ll still never pull threat off a tank or anyone else with holy nova. You’ll still pull threat on single target with smite, but the bosses die fast and nobody ever complains about that.
I’m kind of worried about playing twinks atm after the ban posts yesterday even though it’s clearly not against any rule and enabled by the xpoff NPCs they added many years ago. Waiting to see what blizzard says about the twinks they banned yesterday.
Tldr nerdarino
Not the least bit worried… twinking is quit literally endorsed and sponsored by Blizzard, they literally have in game mechanics designed to create twinks.
No… the people complaining about being banned are always the same people… they did something against ToS, and they either know they did and won’t admit it (most people that get banned) or are genuinely confused why they got banned and mistake the wrong reason.
Maybe they were botting, maybe they used a VPN that made it look like they were account sharing… there’s tons of things they could do to get banned and they guessed wrong on why… i still say most of them know damn well why they got banned (usually botting) and refuse to admit it.
I twink all the time, and i don’t do anything to get my account banned. Im still here! No fears here.
Not at all surprised, a Gen-Z kid that speaks in “Bro” and “Nerd” can’t read and has the attention span of a gnat? Yeah, you’re par for course kid.
My best advice for you is to stay in school and learn to read, you’ll need it when you grow up, “bro”.
Possibly though there’s even a community council post about it:
That mostly talks about people who exploited to get rid of the xp buff and power leveled themselves or others but some people claim they didn’t do anything besides running TW on twinks.
I think it’s possible you could have people false reporting twinks out of spite or for speed hacking or something that didn’t understand the mechanics. It would be on Blizzard for acting on false reports still if that was the case.
I’ve done a ton of TW dungeons on twinks in the past couple weeks though and nothing happened to me.
According to some threads on the xpoff forums there was also an exploit people were doing to get 100% drop rate in timewalking dungeons. Nobody mentioned doing this in the ban threads but that seems easily bannable (though it’s easy to do if they haven’t fixed it yet and some people might run into it accidentally). You’d have to do it intentionally though to do it repeatedly.
What’s the difference between a twink running through and destroying everything in a couple globals vs a mythic geared character doing it? Nothing. People just complaining for the sake of it.
Wow, reading through so many comments. ‘Reality’ is ‘relative’ whatever the ‘scaling’ algorithms are. Wee!!! Fun!!!
I hate this.
Getting kicked in an old dungeon (I’ve run a 100 times, because what a group was doing was something I had never ever seen anyone do or go… didn’t know how to follow. 30 min deserter. A WASTE. It’s just a ‘sour taste’ and ruins the game time. And! What else is in the game all around is the same.
Been playing a very long time, I spend a great deal of time ‘gearing up’! and leveling, how can one not see… leveling means NOTHING. Its algorithms’ just like on this forum.
Season after season… gear means nothing. Why bother if a Level 11 player can out play you? Often, I just try to keep up… but, it is getting worse to me.
I get it, this is a whole different generation. But, how can you not see this is ‘game wide’. I see it. I gear up the adds I fight geared up too! WHAT IS THE POINT?
Just asking.
Edit: It is like ‘you work to upgrade your gear’ and the whole 'world around you ‘inflates’ so it’s like what you did is useless. It is like ‘inflation’. You get a raise and more money, but everything around you costs even more.
get some more shadow land gems and that one that gives you movement speed per shadow gem. The game hard caps everyone at 49% but if you are a night elf you get 51% and if you are a zanda troll you get to do the moa loa thing for 4% (53% is your cap) and if you are a dark dwarf inside you get 4% too, my dark dwarf fury warrior at level 11 with gems/racial and items i sit at 189% movement speed (nearly being on a mount speed) just running
see above - its all about the raw speed of a low level twink using the game system to produce crazy moment speed. In a dungeon my level 11 shaman can out race any super mega decked out mythic character (its not even remotely close) and while im zooming at 198% movement speed, i am instantly killing stuff (just like your mythic guy would be doing) but im so far ahead due to the movement speed
Who are you to tell me and the other 3 people in a random dungeon we have to acomodate or leave because you are high on your powertrip of abusing the poor scaling system?
You are not the center of the world, and we are playing the game the way its mesnt to be played. Are you actually sure of what you are saying? How out of touch can you be?
If you can find 2 others to agree with you on the vote kick, do it. I’d bet a lot of gold, you won’t find them.
who are you to tell twinks how to play? can go both ways bud
players dont have the right to tell other players how to play, in general.
pot meet kettle
What’s the difference between me blasting through TW on my twink vs my mythic raid geared toon? Why is one okay but not the other?
We are playing the game the way its meant to be played you know… the normal way
I am not affecting others gameplay when I queue to tank or dps. The lvl 11 is
Could you point all of us to a definition from Blizzard as to what the “normal” way is. As to me and others, it sounds like it’s “your way or the highway.” The issue is “your way” is subjective.
First of all the twink is so far better and more abussive than a mythic geared toon there is no comparison.
Have you actually run with a high geared character and a toon? Its not even close how op the twink is compared to the high geared max level character. From that alone there is a huge difference. One is a fast run because high dps, the other is a lvl 11 abusing the system and literally trivializing everyone else in the group. Not even close. The twink outdps the mythic toon by miles
That’s not completely true. I’ve seen 636+ Ret Pallies beat a 11 twink. It’s the only class I’ve seen do it repeatedly, but it’s doable. Maybe the twink wasn’t fully BiS (as not all twinks are created equal either), but there are always exceptions to the rule.
this is only possible on a single target.
Even with as much aoe a ret pally has, it can not even come remotely close to the pure super power of a whirling level 11 fury warrior twink