Level 11 Fury Warriors in Timewalking Dungeons

Once again, i wasnt doing anything on the forums, i was offering free runs IN GAME. You know, TO BE NICE.

If you took offense to that, than thats on you.

Why are you using caps? It’s not that serious my dude.

Much like the level 11 twink “epidemic” isn’t that serious.

You act as if my entire post was all caps.

As you may need a brush up on proper caps useage… caps are used to emphasize something, especially if someone is having a hard time understanding.

In my first post i said i was offering free carries… somehow you thought i was offended… clearly you missed my point.

So my next post i emphasized TO BE NICE… since you clearly didn’t get it… once again, you counter like im upset, which CLEARLY you just don’t understand english.

I am going over your forum posts and realizing you seem to be here more to troll than to actually be useful to anyone, and im sorry that you get your jollies that way.

Ill continue to actually HELP people in game who enjoy a fast run. Sorry you are that easily triggered by someone saying TO BE NICE.

I’m genuinely confused what you’re upset about.

Coming at me explaining how you’re combing through my post history is very indicative that you are indeed way too serious about this. You’re kinda unhinged

Honestly just chill out. Level 11 twinks aren’t ruining every group. I’ve leveled multiple toons now through TW and the twinks are few and far between.

Edit: I see where we went wrong. When I said that that isn’t a big issue you read that as “ level 11s don’t exist”. Once you reread what’s was said you’ll see why I’m so confused by you lol

Dude you are straight up lying.

“timewalking isnt alwayd a breeze specially as a tank” yeah, maybe if you play with your monitor off.

Literally just first timed tank paladin on timewalking dungeons (from 70 to 80, I made him when you could instalevel characters at the end of MoP Remix) and that trash was basically a walking simulator.

You are a forum troll.

Hearing that from you means literally nothing.

Getting cranky whenever you blatantly misread things would make you far more of a troll than I sir.

Theres a difference in a grouo being too strong they just do their dps rotation even healers and one person just abusing the system and stopping others feom playing… even the dps

I am actually amazed so many of you cant grasp that, I queie to play the game. Be it high or low damage intake I wanna do my rotation and press my keys. I dont get to do nothing when a twink is in the group but loot. I swear why do you even play wow if you arre ok with doing NOTHING and getting exp. Pay a bot then or a boost

Depending on he dungeon and the size of the pull hell yea you burn through cds. Never said it was impossible the challenge is actually on you as thw tank to make big safe and effective pulls. Tw isnt a slog with low or high geared people, aiding my point that the speed at what twinks do the dungeon isnt thag different. I like to play the game. I know you dont since you are ok with being afk and letting others just carry you

In the past week or so I’ve made several low level twinks. 11 fury warrior, 12 holy priest, 13 resto druid, 10 resto druid, 10 monk.

Any twink of any class will have 49% increased movement speed passively + another 10% from boot enchant. This means regardless of class they run at 159% base speed. Warriors with war machine and druids in cat form then get another 30% to run at 189%. A level 13 druid will also have feral swiftness for 204% movement speed, meaning they run at nearly epic mount speed on foot.

My level 10 druid is probably my highest burst damage wise but fury warrior I think is the simplest.

My level 10 druid one shots trash mobs single target with shred and kills groups of mobs in 3 or less hits with swipe usually. Maybe more if it’s a larger group since it diminishes past 5 enemies. Even if I go bear for a larger pull I still do the most damage by far despite bear swipe doing half the damage of cat.

In the dozens of runs I’ve done I’ve hardly seen anyone die. One was last week that I accidentally killed when they got MCed. Another was in ZF when I got pollied since I wasn’t paying attention to kill the shadow hunters first.

I don’t time them but it seems like I probably clear them in a few minutes or less depending on the dungeon size. I could go even faster but I try to pay attention to the rest of the group and help them if they pull something I didn’t. If I get into the group as a healer, I just follow the tank and let them set the pace to not be rude, though the pace naturally goes faster because of how fast everything dies, even if they just pull one group at a time.

I have not been in any group where any level 80 comes remotely close to the damage I do on any twink, except maybe early on when I’m just starting them (not many blues or sockets yet) and the 80 is super geared. I usually do 90%+ of the damage if I’m the only twink. I have been in groups with multiple twinks which usually results in bosses dying in about a second or two. Even on a new character you just made you still usually out DPS 80s even when you’re still in heirlooms and haven’t even gotten your twink setup yet.

In a group where I was a healer on a druid and the tank was a 11 fury warrior who was going as fast as he could, nobody else in the group could even stay near us. Everything including bosses was dead before they got anywhere near us.

Twinks are much faster. Saying they’re a couple minutes faster doesn’t mean much if you’re in a small dungeon that only takes 5 minutes for a group of 80s. That’s still 50% or more faster.

Also, I’ll add that I’d queue for them solo if I could, I don’t need other people to be in the group at all. I just did it to amuse myself. So far nobody has kicked me or complained. Some make jokes. One guy said he felt useless. People who are leveling or doing their weekly usually try to re-queue with you.

TLDR: twinks are much faster, they don’t get anyone killed if they’re doing it right

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Who’s we? You’re just a debate bro without any hobbies.

I’m super comfortable with what I’ve seen in TW dungeons, and you aren’t Steven Crowder at a cheap banquet table at a college campus.

I got my bee mount, so I’m done, so I guess this is moot now, until the next time I feel like I have to grit my teeth, close my eyes, and think of England until I get the next Turbulent Timeways mount!

When I’m doing the TW weekly on my 4th really crappy alt I’m very grateful to the lvl 11 fury warrior for carrying me while I watch a show or something.
In fact one is doing it right now for my hunter and I’m basically just chilling.


Getting some of the drops to be really effective though can be a hell of a slog.
So some twinks have definitely put in effort to get there, even if the difficulty was negligible.

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My group kicks those guys if we see them they need to learn that tanking as a dps is unacceptable.

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soooo edgy
you sure are showing them! :slight_smile:


Lol… what a loser!


haha " LAUGHS in twink"


It’s 100% acceptable when you’re running around in “godmode”.


because timewalking dungeons are just there to farm things and not end game content. getting top dps in a currency grind/ leveling dungeon is not something 99% of the playerbase cares about.

dude must’ve never been around for OG shaman tanks
he’s either a troll, or not the smartest person in the world, putting it nicely :slight_smile: