Level 11 Fury Warriors in Timewalking Dungeons

honestly, this applies a lot less in TWW than it did in DF or earlier.

The DF Twink Meta was WoD Warforged gear, ideally with the Speed Tertiary + Socket when applicable. This was RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG and grinding out an actual full set even without the Terts and Sockets was automatically a pretty significant time investment (with visual representations of failure to crush your spirit if you liked to hold on to every item that didn’t Warforge you got because you hate yourself).

The TWW Twink Meta is more varied, but ultimately comes down to baseline BC Dungeon Drops (no extra RNG beyond it dropping), a couple rings from Shadowlands content (this will be the same in S2 but with a different dungeon), a necklace from a rare (100% droprate, rare on like a 5 minute timer), and filling any other slots with whatever Timewalking gear drops (barring maybe a quest for Plate and Leather for a 3-socket helmet).

Nothing in TWW is an endless RNG grind. It’s much more approachable than previous versions of Twink Gearing. And even if you ignore all the varied Gem Socket stuff, full Timewalking gear is like 85% as good and more than enough to feel like a proper Twink (at worst it just makes it clear you’re probably newer to twinking, which doesn’t matter).

Even Speed tertiary procs don’t matter (much) anymore, we use Socketed gear so we just put in some Shadowlands gems and are speed capped with no effort.

Not saying there aren’t twinks still grinding for tertiaries and sockets on the stuff that can proc them or specific drops from timewalking, but it’s much less important than it was in DF. Basically superfluous.

And Fury Warrior / MW Monk don’t even need gear. Slap on Lifestealing with their Heirlooms and they’re most of the way there because Lifestealing carries so hard.


No it really isn’t. There’s is a specific order to things you can either respect that or you have business being here.

TW was better when they encouraged your max-level character to farm legacy items. It fit in perfectly with the theme of the event and any extreme power you got from it was limited to a small set of TW activities that had little meaning for high-end game activites.

It was perfect. Until they ruined it so they could implement even more set-and-forget scaling so that every activity in this game is some automated baseline experience that goes unchanged no matter your level.

It’s fun - Don’t worry it’ll get nerfed.

But you know, it’s better than the botters who plague every corner of the game or paying for a level boost. /shrug

It’s been like this since like Shadowlands or so.
It might get nerfed, but I’d be surprised if it was anything major.

I could see them nerfing lifestealing so people actually have to gear a twink to hold W instead of zoning in already a god.

twinks really isn’t a problem.

the bigger problem is that TW doesn’t have all the dungeons of the expansion - like what gives


A handful of people posting on multiple alts.

It’s really rare when somebody complains when I’m tanking a TW dungeon on a level 11 druid. Of course, I don’t run away like some warriors or monks do. But if someone does start to whine, the other players tell him to shut up.

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exactly. thank you for letting us know how it really is.

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Let’s be honest. Even the whiners know its not a problem. But if they admitted that though, then they couldn’t throw their little fits over rare instances and try to push changes over .1% of the players that are doing this.

And Ive said it in every thread that pops up. A lvl 80 semi geared will put dps an 11 twink. And there are way more geared 80s than 11 twinks lol.

Oh get over yourself, it’s leveling dungeons not M+…


I thought that was odd too. Some expansions have more than twice as many possible dungeons compared to what they added to TW.

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Blizzard will never purge the twinking community. We will thrive forever!

They should continue doing alternating timewalking every single week from now on. There are enough expansions to cycle through.

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It doesn’t matter what matters is principle, integrity something you nor this playerbase know nothing about from what I can see.

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The game director is from a guild called Elitist Jerks. He’s only into endgame and thinks everything else is filthy casual that doesn’t deserve any attention. This is why the game is so broken.

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It’s time for a change in direction then.

No they wont. Mot a single 80 has done more than lets say 50% of my DPS in a TW. Most barely do 10%.
Ive ran over 1000 TW dungeons and it just hasnt happened.


Scaling works the same with lvl 80’s too. If you are semi geared you are going to be doing A LOT of dps in these tw.

I’ve run thousands as well. Full cds, the twink can’t keep up. Without cds, we are about even. Some dungeons, mob scaling is awful and one hit deletes them. So it’s whoever gets there first and how long they live.

But yea, it has happened. :grin:

Because they hear it from a hot-topic streamer and make it their personality but be carfull calling them out it will have them all mass report you because the mods dont read posts they just deleted and will just issue punishments for people who did nothing wrong but ignore the actual trolls (like the OP cough cough)

My battletag is Blingin#11494

I’m online right now.

Lets queue up and see.