I’d like to see someone do actual testing to prove that twinks are that much faster. In my experience, a decent normal tank and a halfway competent group only lag 1-2 mins behind a chaotic twink who speedruns the dungeon but gets people killed half the time. The chaos isn’t worth the time saved, and I challenge you, to your anonymous digital face, to prove me wrong.
I literally had a guy give me money because he was so grateful for the runs.
Also don’t engage Primerate, he is a troll that must be a Blizzard employee because if anyone else kept bringing up the stuff he does over and over they would be banned.
When people usually complain about twinks its because they kill everything so fast that the non twinks can’t even do their rotation (this is true)
Yet you would have us believe twinks shave off only 90 seconds when a twink can kill an entire boss in 5 seconds and doesn’t have to stop between bosses.
Noooo don’t listen to Primerate even though he seemingly agrees with me on this topic and hasn’t brought up any of the social taboos I ban my friends from mentioning nooooooooo
Amazing work friend!
I’m glad you find humor in this bit you do. Great work.
I agree whole heartedly.
Ironic considering how you started this exchange:
We have tried! Maybe you should just play the game instead of worrying? Or get a good therapist? Or both!
not really true.
You will never become useless but once you play a twink, its hard to go back to a normal character.
speed (the level 10/11) moves at 149% (49% is a hard cap before racials) with night elf you get 151%, dark dwarf (zundalar via 5% movement speed loa) 154%, than you add on the class movement boosts my zanda shaman in ghost wolf moves at 189%) or my dark dwarf moves at 189% after a trinket kicks in on kill… its so fun zooming at mounted speed attacking.
less buttons to press is more fun, a level 10 might only need to press holy nova or spinning kick, a warrior - whirlwind, maybe charge/ax toss - so fun only having to press 1 or 3 buttons for a play thru compared to a level 80 blood dk where you have 19 buttons to press for rotation…
I love playing a twink but my level 80 blood dk is a real keeper, far from useless - its a delve wrecker and with the new season starting in about a month, looking forward to going full time on my dk until my brann hits cap again.
Ummm nice try… you’re the one making the RIDICULOUS claim… where’s YOUR DATA? You have zero data, just a random number you put out claiming it to be the standard… we all know you’re full of it.
Ill back up what i say to you in person.
I will carry you’re complaining rear quarters in a TW dungeon and you can stop watch it. Put up, or shut up. Of course you’ll find any excuse not to be proven wrong. Dont be a Coward. Now pick up the gauntlet.
Well… we’re waiting
I’ve leveled up 5 level 80s now and 4 were almost exclusively through time walking.
Where are all these level 11s? There are some really, really bad actors in here
They’re an infection on the GD.
If you believe these trolls, people are getting kicked from dungeons every five minutes with the reason being “tacos” while they’re being carried by a level 11 tank and the entire time the group is being toxic.
I have no idea why anyone believes anything on this forum.
I have four twinks… two lvl 11 Warriors (Horde/Alliance) and two lvl 10 Priests (Horde/Alliance)… we exist… i just play for fun, if you’d like some fast runs let me know
Why? When I can just continue to Que and never run into level 11s.
You can’t do anything from the forums
What is that supposed to mean? You sounded like you said 11 twinks don’t exist… i offered free runs to prove they do… nothing more.
It was a kind offer, i suppose you considered it something else?
We are not going anywhere. You have no idea how many people whisper to me, asking if I sell runs and services—yet my only reply is, “I do this for fun.”
I have helped countless warriors level up their alts at incredible speed. I am not just another player…
I am the true Warchief of the Horde.
I never once said they didn’t exist. I insinuated they aren’t ruining every single run like the bad actors here claim.
If you took offense to any of that then it’s on you
You’re doing God’s work.
Same here… i got my own gold i don’t sell runs, i play the game for FUN, and twinking is fun.