I’m the opposite of op. It’s so nice when I queue into a group with an 11 fury war and we clear the dungeon in 5 minutes or less.
Although, it is kinda funny that Blizz claimed they changed the way tw dungeons scale to make a more “fair and balanced experience for everyone” when it’s arguably just as bad, if not worse, than before.
I’m sure they’ll fix this at some point, but I’m fine with it. I’ma be real and say I don’t queue TW to have fun. I do it cuz I wanna get my weekly stuff done so I can have fun elsewhere. When I have an OP player in my group, that’s the only time TW doesn’t feel like a boring grind. I get some players want TW to be somewhat of a challenge, but I’m just sayin’ I am personally not part of that population.
My opinion of these lvl11 TW twinks has been changing recently. At first, I was kind of annoyed with them but dealt with it. Now I’m this close to creating one myself so I can try blitz grinding for Timereaver. I’m currently over 4500 kills and no Timereaver. I opened about a dozen of those BC raid boxes yesterday and still nothing. Of my roughly 720 character mounts this one has been by far the most painful to obtain.
I worry that people complaining about level 11 twinkers is going to ruin the game for everyone.
Blizzard cannot be expected to actually balance anything. Squishes, level reworks, all the things - they’ve done it as a reaction to one thing that made other things much worse.
My advice is to just deal with it. How many level 11 twinkies are you even seeing? Is it one or two per week or is it all 5? I feel like people do this to themselves honestly. You shouldn’t keep rolling with a twink if you don’t like it.
I usually am the only lvl 11, when I am on my lvl 11; but had one in every dungeon on my Lock. I did have another 11 fury yesterday while on my twink and we were racing to see who could top the meters. I stay behind the tank though, and be respectful. I am just having fun and not trying to ruin anyone else’s time
I ran several dozen TW last week and this week, and as far as I can tell, the difference between speed-running with a lvl 11 twink and normal-running with a group is about … 90 seconds? And I noticed that twink-free groups were pretty fun and chill, and twink-led groups were pretty chaotic and stressful. Just my experience.
That means, if you do 50 twink-led TW dungeons, you save … 75 minutes? Not sure that seems worth the aggravation of doing something un-fun, when you can literally slow down a minute and a half and actually enjoy yourself.
TL:DR – 90 seconds isn’t that big of a deal and I’d rather have a chill, enjoyable time, rather than a clown show.
You can play how you want, within Blizzard’s rules, but this is just my take on what’s actually enjoyable.
Did you find one terrible twink with no gear on his first run ever and call that your gold standard on twink runs?
Anyone that has run with a proper twink KNOWS the difference is no 90 seconds per run… and if it WAS only 90 seconds per run, than all the whiners on the forums complaining about twinks wouldn’t complain.
We all know your well established bias against twinks… so you come here and straight up lie that a twink run is only 90 seconds faster…
Once again that might be one really bad twink, but it is NOT the average.
You want some hard numbers? Run with any of my twinks… ill stomp that 90 second difference into oblivion. Everyone stays alive on my runs too.
If you can’t win an argument on facts, lie to make your point… lemme know if you want a carry… bring your stop watch.
I’m hard stuck at 70, with an item level of almost 500. I blow through Timewalking like it’s tissue paper. I’ve helped many people get to 80 or just level fast. No one has ever complained about it or told me to stop.
They either: 1) Ask how I’m doing so much damage. or 2) Say thank you and enjoy the ride.
in an out, 5 minute dungeon and people go on their way. When I run into 11 fury twinks, its a fun little game to see if I can out damage them. (Most time I can onyl do so in my 1 minute wombo-combo CD burst on bosses.).
The only time I have been annoyed with twinks are those that run miles ahead of people, aggro everything, kill the boss then immediately dip while the slower people of the group get killed when the aggro tables reset.
Those people are just jerks, but they are rare. But thankfully I’m there to clean up their mess
reason why, last night i did my level 11 twink got a bc dungeon where you kill the elemental boss fight and the giant earth boss 2nd, the mage in the group popped timewarp as we engaged the elemental boss and i was able to zoom to the 2nd boss after we killed the 1st boss and nearly down the 2nd boss while that timewarp was still going! lol (I did have another level 11 warrior in my group) it was so funny.
After we finished hte dungeon, the other members said wtf was that, we cleared this dungeon in under 2 minutes?! how is this even possible?!?!
later that same day, I loaded up my 80 dk tank for running timewalkers and that same dungeon popped, it felt like i was in there for over 20 minutes… it was so slow I felt i had cinderblocks around my feet
If you are saying you have empirical data that refutes my actual experience, then … link to a spreadsheet, I guess.
My point: All of the weirdness and chaos created by twinks in TW doesn’t really add up to that much saved time, just like someone in a Nissan Altima listening to [insert loud fast band here] who makes insane moves to gain a single car length in busy traffic doesn’t really get where they’re going that much faster. They’re just chaos junkies.
You can say twinking is about efficiency all you want, but it’s really just a clownish ego trip.