Lets try No Flying in TBC! Please read what my suggestion is first

If I can’t transfer Mokjin to the era servers for free I’m gonna be upset.
I have zero interest in TBC primarily due to the flying mount.

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Removing flying does not get more people out in the world. It will have the opposite effect. People take the path of least resistance. You remove the convenience of flying, they’ll just buy services. At least now they’re out in the world.

And yes, Blizz has added changes. They shouldn’t have, and look what it’s led to. They shouldn’t make it worse by adding even more.

And TBC is built around flying. Your inability to accept that is a you problem.

If TBC was built around flying you’d get to 70 in the first zone and have to fly everywhere else.

There’s only one raid you can’t get to without a flying mount.


Ok, so it’s not built around raids either since raids are max level? What kind of nonsense is that.

Here’s why TBC is built around flying mounts: because it has flying mounts.

pretty sure they will allow era transfers, just like last time :expressionless: no reason why not. you either go to era or TBC for free, OR you can pay for both.

Flying mounts are the reward for getting high level.
Just like ground mounts are the reward for getting to 40 and the epic mounts are the reward for getting to 60.

You can change the reward and the game itself stays more or less the same.

No, if you remove flying the game changes radically actually. It’s a core part of TBC. If you don’t like that, then stick to Vanilla. :+1:

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It’s such a core part that you don’t get flying until the end of the game.

What percent of TBC do people spend at max level vs. leveling? Are you serious?

You want me to name everything else that unlocks at max level? They’re not core to the game?

You’re stretching more than Gumby.

yes, TBC would have to be retrofitted to be ground-mount friendly :expressionless: it would be a lot of work. might be worth it, but like a true classic+, it will most likely never happen.

Same as Vanilla.
Most of your play time is spent leveling.
Unless you’re really bad at raiding you won’t hit the /played time from raiding that you did from leveling though most people surpass it idling in Shattrath complaining that there’s no content.

Arena isn’t required.
BGs unlock as you level up.

Not an argument.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ok, I made it that far. Like 95% of your time in TBC will be spent at max level. 60-70 will take most players…a week? Maybe two weeks for the slowbies. Then you’ll have a year+ at 70.

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Just like “Getting to 60 takes most players a week” right?
Look at the census data for Vanilla.
Most people are still in their 30s or lower and we’re a month in.

The time from 60-70 is comparable to 1-60 for the average WoW player.
People on Vanilla would beat their /played time 1-60 if they did something besides raid log.

The Honor farmers do stuff.
They farm BGs and actively avoid premades with their premades because they don’t want any of that pesky PVP to get in the way of their PVP grind.

About the only people that actually play WoW are the people that farm ores/herbs, the people that farm stuff like Crusader, and questers.

Everybody else hides in Capital cities raid logging or spamming dungeons to avoid PVPing on a PVP server.

You’re trying to compare 1-60 Vanilla to 60-70 TBC?
Again: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ok, I guess I’ve been successfully trolled. Well done. You had me going for a while.


Spamming emotes isn’t an argument dude.

60 to 70 is comparable.
People were making that comparison back during OG TBC.

Until blizz reduced the time it took to get 1-60 so that 1-70 would be the same length of time 1-60 was originally.

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60-70 tbc is not comparable to 1-60 vanilla :expressionless:


He really had me going for quite a while. And considering what a suspicious cynic I am…it’s rather impressive. Yeah, 60-70 TBC is comparable to like 1-40 Vanilla (maybe not even that much). And that’s not even half of leveling in Vanilla (hint: the higher level you get, the slower it gets). Not even counting how the Vanilla leveling was nerfed in TBC (and then even more in Wrath).

Anyway, removing flying is obviously not going to happen. These servers are meant to ‘mostly’ emulate the original Classic experience. But more than that…the changes the classic team would have to make to eliminate flying would be pretty intense. And, quite frankly, they’re not up to the task.

Flying didn’t kill wpvp but it help kill the retail game. Everyone’s favorite zones are mostly in vanilla and the first two expansions because you spent lots of time there going over every little corner of the zone. Now the wow zones are like amusement parks, signs point to where to go and after you leave them as quickly as possible you have no clue to what they were about or made them different from any other zone.

the TBC fanboyism is out of control :expressionless: i guess the player base really needs to experience TBC one more time before they realize it’s mostly garbage, just like what happened with wrath.

I do agree that the current way in which they build worlds is…really bad. They don’t feel like worlds anymore; they feel like questing zones. Just hubs that send you from point a to point b, and so on. But you can’t really blame flying mounts for that, since you don’t fly while leveling (other than Cata). It’s just more lazy design for lazy players. Part of the charm of the Vanilla leveling experience is that you actually had to traverse the world, explore, move around. It wasn’t a linear experience.

But that’s Vanilla. It’s not TBC.