Lets Talk - Trust Level 3

Being blunt isn’t necessarily being rude.

But it can be depending of your choice of words or you put them together :wink:

One simple trick for that is to make the choice to say: what you’re saying is stupid vs you’re stupid. This is just as an example.

Should see my choice of words when I’m not under constant threat of suspension for the eleventh time

Kind of off but on topic question. I want to change my forum person to my in game main toon. Will I !ose my trust level? Will I be like a completely new person with no post history?

Completely new

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Yes each character get their own trust level, each character have their own forum history. But people can still see that it’s you if they compare collections/account wide achievements.

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11 Times? Yeeeaaaa, gonna say that’s a pattern that probably means it’s a you problem rather than the mods themselves.


That stinks. I wish i could still have same posting history and such. I dont even play on this toon that much anymore so just wanted to change. Thanks.

It’s because “High Elves” are such a lousy idea, it deserves to be locked. This game already has an overabundance of elves, and these people insist we need more. No. No we don’t. What we do need is something that’s actually new and interesting.

I mean if the mods actually read what I actually got suspended for…

Like, I’m not saying that some, or even most of those aren’t justified.

What I’m saying is, even if I had only 1 suspension, I would be completely blocked from ever hitting T3

Lol never cared to read the requirements before, this is crazy. Forum grinding FTW.

What annoys me is there’s no real way of telling where you are - or if you are even eligible at all. Get your post flagged (and people view flag = downvote) and you are automatically ineligible for life. And they never tell you if this has happened or not.

You can spend hours upon hours of forum grinding only for yourself to be ineligible without any means of knowing it.

The anti helf thread is also getting locked. What if a group of people just decided to repeat the same thing with every megathread regardless of the idea?

Seeing as how 99% of “mega threads” are started and maintained by people with terrible ideas, I wouldn’t be against it.

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This I agree with though or just have a separate forum for that whole thing.

It’s not a permanent loss. You have to earn it back. At least, that’s what I was told after I got a vacation a few weeks ago. Apparently it’s not nice to tell someone they don’t know the definition of a word, but it’s okay if they insult you. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yeah… I’ve seen that too. And it’s sad. Some of those people even stopped posting because of it.

That’s a very good point.


Just gonna reply with: Lets Talk - Trust Level 3 - #114 by Bipzi-wyrmrest-accord

This is also not surprising. I feel like Blizz is really burying their head in the sand regarding all of this.

They can take their ball and go home. Ive been playing WoW since August of 05, zero interest in forum grinding. Its a little silly not to trust a customer of 14 years imo. I check the forums daily to see if anything catches my interest and that will be all the time I’m ever willing to put into them.
My posts are all spread out among all my alts, usually on whoever I am currently leveling… like this little guy for my last heritage set.

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People have pointed out how many posts someone has read and how many more they need, so it can be measured. Your profile also tracks how many likes you have recieved and so forth.

As for the inelligible issue, that doesnt have anything to do with flags. Thats the decision of the mod, and as it has been pointed out not every infraction that results in punishment leads to losing TL3 forever.

The entire new forums is all nothing but a complete joke. Trust Levels… Ugh, don’t get me started. And yeah, there is a lot of things wrong that can make people go without getting any consequences.

Only thing I do like within the new forums is the entire thread mute feature.