Lets Talk - Trust Level 3

Yeah… I lost my trust level 3 because someone said that I insulted/was trolling them when when you looked at the phrasing it is obvious that that is not what I was doing.

Buuuut what can you do? Pretty sure I said as much about that as I can without violating guidelines.

Santa is still here to share ideas and be occassionally funny. He just can’t share memes anymore. :laughing:

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I’m sorry you’re also a victim to this system Viking Santa. We should mourn our loss in the best way possible. Roaring drunk off Dwarven Ale to the point we wake up in some bush somewhere and can’t even remember how we got there. Deal?

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Well… it is the weekend.

Deal. Let’s do it!


Its sad to see people throwing around terms like “good guys/bad guys”, that’s a very middle school sort of perspective. There are tones of “good guys” here who do more shady crap than the so called “bad guys” and in fact have actually created a large percentage of them by these actions.

A lot of the current troubles of the forum are caused by circular moderation abuse; someone gets targeted and moderated over something very stupid and decides they want to get revenge and report someone else for something extremely petty and so on and so forth.

Eye for an eye never works but its the only thing thats currently getting people “results”.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It is a bit to wrap your head around but it seems all you really need to do is spend a lot of time on the forums, like what you typically would and make decent contributions to conversations that’ll hopefully earn you some likes back.

Not true. I know people that dont toe the PC line and say things that would be a suspension here… There are a few that allow freedom to speak your mind. The PC corps are bad though. Its not american IMHO…


Sure you could get away with something here or there when literally your coworkers are around, but if you say something in front of your boss or near your boss that’s considerably offensive you’ll probably end up fired or you’ll get a notice from HR.

This isn’t a Chinese thing lmao this is a thing that all companies do to comply with anti-discriminatory laws.


Yeah OK. Keep telling yourself that. Its not anti discriminatory laws BTW, its PC running wild and unchecked. .

Completely agree. Somehow I’m no longer TL3 amd I’m not even sure why.


Would be a shame to act civil in public. How dare they make you do that?


You mean like when they throw cement milk shakes and eggs? Or dump water on law enforcement? Or beat up journalists? Yeah I agree but we all know who is behind that behavior right?

This system is not a good one and will eventually do more to cause players to leave than to stay.

What did people do before the shiny TL3 was an option and posting links/vids wasnt even possible?

I keep seeing people say “dumb rules, dumb system, it turns me off and makes me not want to participate”. I dont understand.


You open thread, skim it page down, 20 k in no time.

Was easy to get level three, easier to keep.


How do you know what TL you have?

I don’t know what trust level 3 is but I would #$#@#$@$#$@$@ and than @#@$@##@##@ for it.

So I was looking thru this account’s email and noticed my last “forum suspension” which had a rather long time-out when I haven’t had others to compound the jail sentence. The ticket was settled and forum restored.

I thought that was why my TL3 fell down so I asked Support. The GM said that incident didn’t do anything about my TL but I hadn’t read enough posts within this current 100 day period. Close but not hitting the goal.

There’s no way to see how short you are to this goal. The counter doesn’t reset daily like it should so you can replenish the count. Of course the initial “read 20000 posts” or whatever was hastily acquired >_<. I don’t know what part of my Read 85.7k Posts are counted in this 100 day period. I’m not speed reading a bunch of threads for no reason except to boost the count. Gives me a headache basically.

This may be the same issue you have Bipzi. =)

It might be, but I don’t really want to keep farming the forum just to stay at TL3 either, which is something I think I touched on.

Note: Seems a Blizz mod edited my post… they took “Blizz” out of the title. I suppose this isn’t a conversation they wish to have.

Nah, you can’t call out Blizz or any of their employees in titles. Guess we’ll just keep reading and hanging out. Not a big deal anyway.

Nah, they just have this rule about posting their name in the titles.

But They for sure won’t have that conversation with you or anyone else. I highly doubt I’ll maintain my TL3 a second time around. The first time required a mega thread and the middle mouse button down with the auto scroll.

So much effort to get basic functionality you can get everywhere else for free.

Bad enough the game is a giant chore of a grind you have to maintain to stay current. But to make the forum experience the same way is really depressing. You pretty much have to live and breathe this place to maintain it. Then if you slip up even once you start from scratch.

I mean yea, I guess. At the same time is just sorta re-enforces they just want to keep their head in the sand regarding the issues. At least they didn’t just outright delete it all.