Lets Talk - Trust Level 3

So I admit I got the numbers slightly wrong, and I’ve updated my original post to reflect the proper numbers. So you don’t need to wade through it all again, the verified numbers is 20k posts on a rolling 100 day basis. Source: New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features

I still maintain that’s legit crazy and like you I feel like I frequent the forums a lot and can’t maintain that amount of reading naturally.

I also wanted to thank you Byucknah for chiming in with your thoughts on the subject. You touched on quite a few points that I absolutely agree with and like you, I hope that if there hasn’t been any such discussion on the points your brought up at BlizzHQ, that there will be now.

I don’t think this is actually true. I’m like 99% positive that this forum software is Discourse, which is Open-Source Software released under the GPLv2. There should be absolutely nothing at all stopping Blizz from making the changes themselves, and it appears to me that they already have made changes. One example being our characters in-game being tied to the forum software.

I can in fact appreciate this. I suppose my only request in this regard is at least knowing if in fact it’s re-attainable so that we aren’t left hanging in the wind wondering. I can’t think of a reason how knowing if it’s re-attainable or not would allow somebody to game the system. Also a tracking feature to know what requirements we still need to meet to get it back would be helpful.

Thank you very much Levíathan! I really appreciate you and Byucknah both chiming in on this discussion and hope it generates some much needed talks about the state of things on the forum.


Not to say that I know for sure, but where where I get the 3rd party notion from is having heard Bliz say that they have submitted many stories to discourse for the features they want. With “stories” being a buzz word for feature request.

But you are right that it’s Discourse.

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The purpose of trust level is so that blizzard can avoid the disclaimer of “Welcome to the World of Warcraft Forums, you might see a ”.

[Please do not intentionally bypass the forum filters - Forum Moderator]


Huh, I DO know that Discourse offers an option to host the forums themselves, just a company would need to pay for that hosting and that’s how Discourse makes most of their money. If Blizz is not hosting the forums themselves, then that could explain why they would be held to a third-party timeline for changes vs just doing it themselves. It would just really surprise me that Blizz would pay a third party to host their forums rather than doing it themselves. Have they gutted their webteam to the point that’s actually a requirement? If so, that’s worrying.


I was just stating the obvious at this point, there is a reason why people flag. Yes it can be objectively bad. And no I didn’t flag that thread just incase some people though that. I just feel that there is a certain choice by the people that use General discussion of what they want to see there. It’s a bit how people say to post Classic stuff on Classic section or how most thread that will mention FF14 will get moved to the “games” forums. If you read the definition of the lore forums (which I mention as rp forums) “Discuss WoW lore or share your orginal fan fictions or, role play”. And I could definitly see talking about high elves fitting in there.

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Its working as intended. Its a Chinese idea where you “behave” and “conform” then you get something others dont have. I dont like it but I dont own Blizzard. If I did the system wouldnt be there and freedom would reign.


What really bothers me about this, is that it means that a group of people in Discord or someplace else can organize a flag bomb of people and essentially moderate them in a manner that has very serious, lasting repercussions on people that simply hold a contrary opinion to their own. It’s mob mentality at it’s very worst and since it works, it feels like the mods actually condone this behavior. I mean they probably don’t, but it sure “feels” like they do.


Here’s the thing my dude,all I said was he was an elitist and obnoxious,it isnt my fault Asmongold has sychophants who flag bomb anyone who says anything that isn’t blind worship. Kind of a garbage reason to get flagged then again,they worship a garbage human.

Being so quick to jump and victim blame methinks you’re a fan of the malodorous one. Giving criticism isn’t harassment or trolling. The system is broken seeing I’ve seen people say way worse/hateful vitriol about other players and get a slap on the wrist just for airing legitimate grievances hells,I’ve seen players with an axe to grind DIG through posts from years ago just to get people banned and currently try to lord the level over people. I speak my piece when it’s warranted which is often given how people try and justify their delivery of harassment and vitriol.

You can be civil and critize people and no I’m not a “sychophant”. There’s a concept about not doing justice yourself that you should understand, nothing “warrants” harassment or defamation. You can also be truthful without just being rude. And yes the system isn’t perfect but it’s not because someone else doesn’t get caugh that you’re justified in doing what you do.

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My chance of getting trust level 3 died a long time ago. I’ve noticed these forums have become a no fun zone.


Even if you managed to get it you wouldn’t keep it for long unless forums is your full time job(20k posts monthly).

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20k rolling over 100 days, not monthly.


That’s still a whole lot.

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Absolutely hate the you can lose TL3 off of 1 mintor offense and can never get it back. I’ve stopped reading the forums as much as I used to. Stupid rules that need to be changed.

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I had trust level 3 but it disappeared a few months ago, no idea what happened to it, maybe I didn’t like enough posts.

  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.

It’s totally out of balance with the Read 20k posts over the rolling 100 days.

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WoW needs memes. The sense of humor in the community is at an all time low. I think anyone with a WoW subscription should be allowed to share pics from imgur.


I’ve liked 130ish posts total since the new forums came out, could be the issue lol.

I guess everyone in this thread gets a like, lets see if I get it back.

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130 likes is way more than 30 likes, and it’s not stated to be rolling 100 days on likes so you should be fine?

I would guess you’ve let your read posts count lapse.


this is literally how working in any corporate environment in America works.