Let's talk pvp for real

no you’re wrong.

It is blizzard’s fault.

x-realm made it too easy to form AV games

Easy AV instead of the original made the games way too fast compared to original vanilla

both were caused by blizzard and both changed the meta from WSG focus team gameplay to this afk quick AV honor spam

I would be all for mixed faction PvP. Whatever improves the game. Wasn’t arena mixed faction PvP? What was the lore reasoning there? I honestly don’t know, don’t follow that stuff, lol.

I’d trade my SR for Escape artist or perception.

Will of the Forsaken is amazing for sure. All the others? Meh on meh. If I had to rank racials in order of best to worst for pvp:

Will of the Forsaken
Escape Artist
Perception =/= Stun resist (depends on who you ask)
War stomp

Let’s face it Night elves and trolls are pretty lackluster for pvp racials. I guess an argument could be made for + stealth for being nelf rogue…but you don’t have to fight humans so it makes it useless, really.

Yeah Arena was mixed back in BC. Dunno if there were any explanations for it though, it just was.

Honestly they should just bite the bullet and do it, make it so people on the same server can’t go against eachother (can only be on the same side) and the rest a FFA and I see very little room for downsides.

ill take that trade gimme that stun resist

The solution is simple, reroll. The reason you have queues is because you picked the overwhelming population faction. Grind a 60 alliance.

This isn’t just in regards to AV. Everything from world pvp to BG queues to premades in AV is because horde vastly outnumber alliance in pvp. Same realm BG’s wouldn’t fix this, neither would original AV. You’d instead have 3 hour AV queues and alliance premades in WSG would dominate. You’re not solving the problem you’re just moving it somewhere else.

And the AV spam isn’t 2019 blizzards fault, but 2004 blizzards fault. The honor system is garbage. What you’re describing is exactly why they got rid of it in BC


thats why people did WSG more than AV as it was easier to get games


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The problem is that this isnt vanilla this is as close to vanilla as blizzard was willing to go, in addition to that the player base has changed.

The players are doing exactly what they did in vanilla. They grinded honor… but it wasn’t through an underpowered and overcrowded AV.

Honor is now too easy to get by going into AV and too easy to get games because of xross realm

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That’s not because of cross realm BG’s it’s because of the way honor works. People do what’s the most efficient, regardless of whether or not it’s fun.

then oh full big brain one that was there in vanilla. please explain to me why AV in original vanilla was not the way people grinded honor.

I was there in the original beta and original vanilla and i know for a fact no one grinded honor through AV

And don’t tell me its the premade bull or “players changed” or “they know how the game works now” because people had premades back then and they had vent etc. players are just as toxic to get honor as they were back then and tried every exploit to do it

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I wish. It never works when you need it to.

People will always go with the path of least resistance, in vanilla wow they may not have farmed honour though AV, but its no longer the case in classic wow the meta is to grind av as its the higher honour per hour and until that changes AV will remain the preferred method of ranking

but when it does i bet its amazing

yes i know the question is why has this changed.

That’s exactly my point, both of you want the other persons racials!

You clearly don’t understand that this isn’t 2004, vanilla experience really doesn’t matter because this isnt vanilla. You’re never getting back unless you build a time machine. And if you’re so knowledgeable about what’s going why don’t you post on your classic toon?

People do AV because it’s most efficient given current queue times and participation. It’s easy for alliance to make premades, which makes it the “only” way to rank as alliance. You can do WSG all you want, but you won’t keep up with the all day AV spammers. Alliance can do that because we have instant queues since FACTION BALANCE is terrible. Which was the point of my OP. The way things are is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

Despite your years of vanilla wow experience you score a 0/10 in reading comprehension.

Depends…the only time I really love it is when I’m at 10% and locked into a KS and it resists.

If it resists in the middle, they just reset the fight and starts all over again.

TBF, it only makes a difference against rogues in probably 1/10 fights. I’m actually going to do some testing tonight and posting the maths on it.

It won’t do any good, and everyone will still say it’s a 90% stun resist. But it will be fun to actually look at it with something more than memory/memeory.

That’s a really good idea to have Horde fight Horde in BGs, I never thought of that. Hopefully they’re reading this and strongly consider it. I actually wouldn’t mind fighting Horde on my server too. Only because it would help improve the community feel to the server!