I agree with what you’re saying, but pugs still think “don’t be a kek rush drek” is the only strat. That strat hasn’t worked in weeks. Alliance do premades because our pugs give up and half the team AFKs when the rush fails. At least with premades you have a better shot at winning with a coordinated group. As more and more people join premade groups the quality of pugs gets worse and worse.
The 400 to 1 number is extremely off it’s more like 2 or 3 to 1 horde to alliance. Example math 80 horde que for av and 40 alliance que for AV. So a game starts 40v40 now the second 40 horde have to wait an entire game 10-25 minutes depending on game length to then play that 40 alliance on request. A 30 minute que indicates about 1.5-2 games of alliance per horde game. So 2x the number of queries seems reasonable.
the problem with that is that average queue times are calculated from the times waited of 10 players isnt it?
So just because an average wait time and the average game of AV is about the same it doesnt mean that that pvp population is simply horde = 2x alliance population
I think Blizzard should allow Horde to Alliance only transferring, charge a fee for it, and even figure out a way to transfer shaman to paladin.
Blizzard makes money for their efforts and improves server and BG balance and in the process, saves a lot of unhappy people from quitting.
I get that some purists might not like this option the same way they didn’t like layering. But when the game evolves things need to evolve with it if we want things to improve.
To be honest, would the option really make THAT big of an impact?
I think we would need to see how current transfers are affecting servers before they even entertained adding faction change.
Im not sure that would effect queue times in any meaning full way, opening up faction changes and saying “that’ll fix it” assumes that horde would be willing to switch in large enough numbers to make it a viable solution
At most this multiplies it by a number between 1-2. If it averages the que time so it includes the instant first que it would lower the calculation to say average 5-12 minutes in the above example. However for the actual game this point is moot. As the que is constant the is no outlier. Also the math I did is extrapolating a number of players based off a que time. If the average time is accurate at all (based off a reasonable sample size) it doesnt matter what the sample size is.
Not worried about the AV queue at all, though I am horde.
I would have preferred an earlier version of AV.
A shame we have cross/realm BGs. I would have strongly preferred own-realm BGs only and I would live with whatever the queue times turned out the be.
No clue how the wait times are calculated.
I know my math is really simple but yours also depends on every game taking 30 mins. Some are 6 mins some are an hour. We don’t how how long the average AV is with premades in the mix. In reality its probably somewhere in between. Well never know unless we have a way to actually see how many players are queued at a given time
To be honest, I just want the marshal title
My literal only issue with PVP is:
The 1000s of players queuing from remote login or scripts to inflate honor - and blizzard doing literally nothing about it. There’s no blanket bans, these people aren’t disappearing.
It ruins it for the people actually doing and pushing for 18+ hours a day to get R14.
I get that not everyone deserves can get R14. Everyone knows that and respects it. But, it’s absolute trash that the botting and remoting and afking is being allowed. Simply put, blizzard should put even ONE Gm on hitting an av and kicking AFKers.
Everything else is honestly fine.
But even if we go with the lowest estimate of 6 minutes it’s no where near 400 to 1 that would put it at 6 to 1. (I think 6 minute games are a large outlier but I’ll entertain it for the math)
Even if they opened them up it relies on horde actually taking the transfer. We saw how well horde only server transfers worked out in phase 2
Often enough I don’t think people really look at what they are asking or saying and how the ‘solution’ isn’t as simple as they might think.
Take Alliance premades for example. I have yet to see a solution that will actually work.
Say they remove the numbers… it just requires a response of ‘yep it popped for me too’ for people to bypass that issue. And say a few less people get in. Players are just going to kick non-premades out as soon as they can so their buddies can THEN select the battleground and queue in.
There is no ‘real simple’ solution.
Could you imagine how bad the queue times would be for horde on sone servers?
Like that server where the horde drove every alliance player to transfer off in the works pvp phase. At the end, there were only like 100 alliance players left.
Bgs would simply not exist on that server
I think some certainly would do it. I wanted shaman so I’m horde. Many in my guild wanted to play with friends so just went with the faction.
The hard swallow would be the shammy to pally thing. Two totally different classes. I don’t want to be a pally, not yet anyway.
And that falls the honor system itself. It doesn’t reward skill or winning, just time investment. From BC on you can’t bot to 2200+. What this game really needs is RBG’s I want rated AV, 40v40 premades!!!
Exactly. Horde would not give up their pvp racials. They think other horde would do it, but truth is, most would stay
honestly i think the horde racials play a bigger role in their decision making then they care to admit because damn they are good
well yes, it’s player made. and players can “unmake” it. horde players need to understand that if they want lower queues, they have to reroll alliance.
when i chose alliance, it was primarily to play with friends, but we knew “hey the going will be rough BUT once you get to 60 you’ll have instant bg queues”