Let's talk pvp for real

I agree that most servers arent 5:1 but the 55% horde 45% alliance or which ever numbers you want to replace them with arent a good way of measuring pvp participation, for example you could have a perfect 50-50 split but if 80% of the horde population on that server pvp and 20% of the alliance pvp you get the same problem horde are stuck with which is queue times.

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It’s fine if you don’t care about rank at all, and only do WSG for fun. AV is completely broken due to faction imbalance.

Why is most everyone complaining so obsessed with the insane honor treadmill for gear that is overkill and soon to be marginalized?

I’d rather have the same queue problem while playing with friends in WSG against rivals on my own server … than playing with nameless teammates against nameless opponents in AV

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Yeah once BWL drops blue pvp gear is worthless for most. The real issue is pvp in its current state isn’t fun. I blame the honor system for most of it, but people wanted classic warts and all lol

I think its the idea of having a goal to work towards, despite all the pvp gear being replace the moment BWL comes out, it gives people something to do right now also lets them say look at all this purple gear i have and epic GM/HWL weapons im using.

How is it fundamentally different than vanilla? Short memories?


yea i agree this is just how classic was and will be. it has its obvious flaws but thats what makes the game so raw and original imo. people will complain just about anything but its been that way ever since and always will be in classic

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Guess it hides the easy kills better. Like myself :shushing_face::shushing_face:

Agreed but I think the prestige is diminished at least alliance side. When I see I high ranked player I’m not jealous, I know they just have way more time on their hands than me lol. Ranking in pvp doesnt take skill, that’s why they scrapped the honor system in BC.

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100% agree with this.

The community saw the signs of overpopulation on one side. The community decided to role heavily to that side. The community chooses to turtle said games. And then the community is “shocked” when they have long que times.

Who woulda thunk? :thinking: :rofl:

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I can understand that, but on some servers where the alliance pvp population is near non existent they’d probably end up facing hour long queue times like AV on OCE its like an hour and 20 for an AV and alot of people dont have that sort of time to play(that said im sure people pushing ranks have plenty)

It not, just the way we approach the game is totally different. People now would give up a kidney for 1% more dps in a faceroll raid, and expect their whole guild to do the same. I don’t remeber min/maxing to that extreme being a thing back then lol

What ive read from horde player is that they want to pvp they arent really interested in fast wins or fast losses, this like you said increases the queue times on horde side, that said if they did just rush like we do to them it defeats the purpose of pvping they want to fight us, another thing is that alliance is just as interested or more interested about the efficiency for honour grinding rather than fighting, Im sure alliance that want to punch face exist but with the lower pvp population of the alliance its hard to get a group that doesnt give a crap about ranking and just want to man fight.

I’m ranking just fine playing WSG eight hours each WEEK. You just picked the wrong server.

Roll Alliance on my server. I’m beginning to think that the push to rank 10 will be doable in two, maybe three, months.

Please walk us through this math.

Just a note, this isn’t exclusive just because it’s Alliance. The major loss rates are regards to pugs only and due in part because most of the able bodied grinders are in pre-mades, leaving the less coordinated/geared players to pugging.

Premades have a higher rate of success because of the coordination, players who are more geared and are more aggressive about the grind.

It’s rough napkin math but I assumed based on what I’ve been hearing that horde AV queue times are roughly 20 minutes on average (1200 seconds). I put the average alliance queue times based on my experience at 3 seconds.

1200/3 = 400

It’s not perfect and sure it’s not 100% accurate but it illustrates how bad the faction balance is in pvp


Pvp in wow was always a joke. Just a fun mini game to show off your raid gear. There are much better pvp games. I suggest those if you want good pvp.