Lets talk about Villians

Translation: You were dishonest, and Chronicle never supports your claim that Titans come from bodies instead of World Souls; but you go on your toxic forum gate-keeping routine instead of taking responsibility for your actions. We get it.

Asking you to defend your argument when you’re the one constantly being hostile isn’t gate-keeping, Rash.

Nice try, but it’s not gonna fly.

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All of your bluster… just because you won’t admit you were dishonest about the Titans being World Souls and not bodies. You gas-light so hard that you even tried to get away with refusing to admit we can all see Argus in World Soul form up in the skybox during the Aggramar boss fight in Antorus. The fight that literally has that World Soul up in our field of view… in a room that the in game map calls “The World Soul” while we are fighting… your behavior is very sad.

I am confused by this, how else would you write a afterlife?

I cannot admit to a claim I never made.

No, that is still the planet Argus. After Argus died, the planet Argus is still around. See: Eredar recruitment questline. His world-soul had been contained in the planet, but after he leaves the womb that was the planet, the planet did not poof away. You are simply incorrect here.

I have noticed you have a tendency to confuse your head canon for lore. I am sorry nobody agreeing with your head canon makes you sad.

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You were caught out in your lies. Literally, go into the Antorus raid right now, on a max level character… zoom through all the bosses until you enter the room for the Aggramar encounter. Look up at about a 45 degree angle, screenshot it. Also look at the rectangle on the minimap which displays the name of the map room you will be in for that fight… where it says “The World Soul”. Look at your screenshot of the skybox in that room… with the Argus World Soul. Tada. You were wrong, and everyone sees that you were wrong.

Don’t try your squid ink red herring maneuver of saying something about the planet…I didn’t have any concern for the condition of the planet. Argus is and was a World Soul. Not a body. He was a World Soul. We see Argus as a World Soul while we are fighting Aggramar. The end.

Argus is a planet that contained a world soul. Argus, THE PLANET, did not disappear, explode, vanish or run away when Argus, the WORLD SOUL, was bought forth or when he was killed.

Watching you be soo wrong is exhausting :dracthyr_nod:

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Literally you are gaslighting… I never once had any commentary about the planet, I don’t give a rip about the planet. When I say Argus, I’m talking about the character. Argus the character was never a body. It was a World Soul. It had to temporarily manifest an avatar to fight us in the raid just like all the other Titans manifested avatars for themselves to sit in the chairs around us. You’ve got to stop trying to strawman.

And yet he had a body. :dracthyr_nod:


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The Titans forcefully yanked Argus out of his planet (body) and forced him into a half baked one using the seat of the pantheon. It was akin to a body swap, if you changed bodies with a gnatt.

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Try some reading comprehension… as I already said

I’ll simplify for you than sweetheart




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You have absolutely no reasoning for me being wrong about anything… no matter how much social clique emotional posturing you try… it doesn’t replace reasoning.

Planets are not bodies, nor is it their origin at all. Chronicle and other sources make it very clear the World Souls existed before the physical material gathered around them to form planets. And no, the Titans did not make an avatar for Argus… Sargeras gives the voice line in the short pre-cinematic for the fight about how Argus would be their undoing, and then Argus manifests his own avatar.

Being frank, they seem to be… if not retconning some Legion era stuff then severely bending it to make it not the way the titans said it was.

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No, that is still the planet. You can fanon it into whatever you want your own private head canon to be, but it will still be the planet Argus within the Warcraft lore.

And yet, you keep thinking the planet is Argus the World Soul, even though when Argus the Titan (aka world soul) is defeated and dead, the planet still remains. Showing the planet was not the world soul itself. Our characters are not walking around on Azeroth’s world soul; we’re on the planet holding that world soul. We have always known this. New lore with the titan discs has confirmed this is still the case.

It is okay to be wrong, friend. You do not have to lash out at everyone else just because you are wrong.


Those weren’t Avatars. They are literally them. When a Titan world soul reaches a certain point of power or maturity they can manifest an actual body (that isn’t a round ball of rock in space) for them to use. The fact that they are relatively small in comparison to their actual lore size during the Argus encounter could be due to gameplay reasons (probably due to how badly received Madness of Deathwing was) or the Titans can change the size of their bodies and they choose to be smaller when at their seat of power.

The only ‘titan avatars’ we fight are the Fallen Avatar of Sargeras and then Aggramar during the Aggramar encounter. The former is obvious and the latter is more subtle but comparing corrupted Aggramar to how he looks during the Argus encounter shows that. Plus Ion did say exactly this at some point. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql1dv4elqk4&t=1415s) Also Sargeras’ actual form does not look exactly like the Avatar we fight in the Tomb of Sargeras raid.

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You are being bizarre… the “canon” is literally the World Soul being in the room in the raid called “The World Soul” in Antorus. You can’t possibly be genuinely missing that… it’s got to be your schtick.

You’re listing an oxy-moron. Typing out “a square circle” doesn’t make any sense, either.

If their bodies do not include their essence, Norgannon’s spell serves no purpose. If their true forms had been flung to remote corners of the space, they could have just traveled to Azeroth and mounted a defense against him, instead of their essences being hunted down, imprisoned, and tortured. Eonar could have manifested fully and smacked the demon spit out of the Legion forces invading Elunaria.

The world soul is Argus, the being we fight. The thing outside the window in the Aggramar fight is not the world soul. That is the planet Argus, which the world soul had previously been inside. Because that is how world souls and planets operate.

I’m not being bizarre, you’re just very bad at being dishonest and trying to move your goal posts around to try and defend your incorrect premise.

You should maybe stop trying to be dishonest and try instead to have an honest discussion. It might work a lot better for you.

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Technically you do see Argus’ world soul in the boss arena for Aggramar. However it is directly behind Aggramar and not in the sky box. I think Rashidi said it was in the sky box however.