Lets talk about Villians

Rash did initially say the skybox, but if he meant not-that, then ok. Being clear would have been much more helpful than all this nonsense.

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Which is what I said…

So you admit I was correct the very first time. And no, it is in the skybox, it is not a clickable object, it is literally looming behind and above Aggramar in the skybox at about a 45 degree angle of vision… precisely as I said.

I accept your apology.

Then why were you talking about

Where the world Argus is, and not the world soul?

I’m not offering one. If you misspoke when you initially said

And you instead meant not that at all, then cool. You misspoke. You meant behind Aggramar, and not “up in the skybox”. But like… You still keep saying it was

so it’s kinda hard to buy that you don’t mean “in the skybox” when you keep saying “in the skybox”. Which is where the planet is.


The Argus World Soul is literally in the skybox… it is not a clickable object anywhere in the game field; like all skyboxes they put the art there to make you think it’s just up there out of reach. By definition, a sky box will be behind Aggramar and above Aggramar and to the right of Aggramar and to the left of Aggramar. I even went to great pains to tell you to tilt your eyes about 45 degrees up as you entered “The World Soul” room in Antorus.

Thus… you were wrong, and I accept your hemming and hawing and sandbagging to avoid taking responsibility for you being wrong wwaaayyyyyy up at the first reply of this topic. The end.

So here?

But not right behind Aggramar, like Denona said?

No, it still looks exactly like you misspoke and created the confusion because you do not know what the difference between “directly behind” and “up 45 degrees” is.


Oh, and just to clear up the post-Antorus “are the titans alive or dead” thing that started your whole tomfoolery of head canon and shenanigans: Khadgar certainly does think only one titan remains after Antorus:

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Right there in the skybox… proving me right.

Thus, the Titan pantheon were never bodies, and they are not dead.

Again, the confusion comes from you describing where to look. So your apology for your mistake is accepted most humbly.

I’m glad I grabbed this screen shot just in case.

Khadgar certainly says after the antorus raid that there is only one titan left.

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??? Are you confusing me for someone else or do you think that I am someones alt?

There are a lot of things that are not clickable and are not in the skybox. The skybox is the very top of the ‘world’. The skybox for most of Antrous is Sargeras getting closer and closer to Azeroth.


I wouldn’t write an afterlife, because that itself ruins the finality of death in narrative storytelling and makes any resurrections that happen no longer special.

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I dont see how that ruins death in anyway. A character would still be dead in the waking world. If anything, resurrection would be what takes deaths finality away.

What use does the descriptor of “dead” have if the dead guy can walk around, do things, and talk to people freely with seemingly no limits?

Functionally, what makes Maldraxxus different from literally anywhere else? Neat, the people are “””””dead”””””, but that doesn’t mean anything if being “””””dead””””” has no real functional difference to being alive.

Technically they do have some limits. They cannot visit the normal world, Azeroth etc, without special circumstances. It’s ultimately no different than if, say, Hell existed in the Warcraft universe, or Heaven, or any other form of afterlife. The souls of the dead exist, ghosts exist, blah blah blah.

I’m not disagreeing that Shadowlands ruined the concept of death in the Warcraft universe, just that I don’t think “afterlife exists, dead can be visited” is the real, meaty problem.


From you claiming that titans start as bodies and there never being any world soul in Antorus… to now you complaining about the angle of where the obvious proof of you being wrong… and you thinking it was your idea all along… that irony is priceless.

The skybox is not a point, it is the entire art asset that surrounds everything above the floor without being an object placed ‘on’ the floor. The World Soul art is in the skybox, it is not an object stacked on the floor.

Thanks for quibbling about having to move your eyes 45 degrees to admit what exists really exists, though.

He has a point… death isn’t death if you’re just the same form thinking and moving in another pocket dimension. It may as well just be another continent on Azeroth that you go through a portal to reach.

A claim I never made. That’s the strawman you set up to try and knock over.

Also not a claim I made.

I’m not complaining at all. You were simply incorrect, and as stated before, that’s fine. I do not know why you had to double down on the same incorrect location after Denona provided the correct one, but you did so. Hense, the confusion stems from you.

I do not know why you cannot simply accept that.


What are you even trying to talk about here?

But… You don’t have to move your eyes 45 degrees?

I even gave you screen shots to prove this. Why are you even now still doubling down on this?

It is not. Azeroth, the Sargeras cloud and parts of the world Argus are in the skybox. The Argus world soul is part of an invisible wall. Walls are not skyboxes. Your insistence they are is what is causing confusion.


All that bluster to avoid taking responsibility that you were wrong about the Titans. Hilarious.

But I’m not.

Argus did die. Argus is dead. According to Khadgar post-Antorus, Azeroth is the last titan remaining. Whether true or not, as I previously stated, it’s not clear.

Everything else has been weird strawmans you have created and cannot prove are claims anyone at all ever made.

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If being barred from interacting with living people under normal circumstances is the only downside to being dead, then that’s not really any different in practice than, like, being a prisoner in jail.

The afterlife just being another place to visit is not itself the core problem, it’s just the most glaring symptom. The core problem is that death has no narrative weight now. Oh no, Ysera was corrupted and we had to put her down. How tragic! Or it would be if you couldn’t just go and visit her in Ardenweald and she is arguably better off there than she ever was while alive.


That I would strongly agree with.

That the afterlife is a place where the dead do stuff? Fine, no biggie, it’s the default belief of anyone with a religious belief system.

But that we can go there and talk to them? Well. Now if we need information but the person is already dead, no problem!! Tell me about what kind of person they were in life and I can probably find them. If not, I happen to have made friends with the Afterlife Sorting Hat (he got his job because of me) and I’m sure if the need is great, he can tell me where to go.

Regardless of all the cosmological stuff Shadowlands took a hammer to, easily the worst part is removing the drama, stakes and weight of death.


More and more bluster… and not a wit of difference to you being wrong about the Titans way back at the beginning of the topic.

Indeed. It’s even worse, though… because there are apparently multiple “copies” of any being. Not only was there a ghost of Uther in the Light which we see during a WotLK quest, but there’s also later written a version in bastion. And there is a version of Ursoc that is sitting in the heart of the Emerald Dream which we see in the raid during Legion after defeating Xavius…but then later they want to write that a version of Ursoc is stuck in a seed pod in Ardenweald. Then there is the whole fiasco of people asking about the ghost of Gul’Dan and which Gul’Dan is in which afterlife…to which nobody is satisfied with the ex fired writer multiverse threads gimmick answer.

But at any rate, this topic is about villains… and I’m not seeing anybody really make a case for any villains of Warcraft 3 they want back (if that was what the original poster meant)

Correction: I just do not agree with your head canon, which you have proven repeatedly unable to back up with actual sources and get very sensitive about.

For clarity, even though you will inevitably come up with some head canon reason this isn’t true, those are the same being and not copies. Ursoc ended up in the seed pod after his defeat in the Emerald Nightmare raid.

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