Some collectors can tell you all about that feeling
Farm Headless Horseman mount for 10 years, finally get it, are you happy? Nope, just glad you don’t have to do it anymore.
Either they changed it in 9.2, or you have another 80 renown Fae toon. This was my first Kyrian.
Why is renown still in the game? That is the real question. It’s just a time gate that produces nothing fun.
Admittedly, I haven’t tried to covenant swap, but this fresh 60 hit 80 renown by literally just doing all the catch up and then the covenant campaign. It wasn’t hard and it basically just happened without requiring any extra effort
That fits. She was my first Kyrian. My guild was totally confused. We all rolled Tauren and leveled together when we got bored before 9.2. Some of us got the soulbinds and some didn’t.
It would be so nice if this were explained in-game.
I do agree with OP that at this point there isn’t much point to raising alts starting at renown 40, though all the activities that will guarantee renown in 9.2.5 will make it pretty quick.
Playing Devils advocate… Once you do the questline for the legendary belt you easily get catch up renown from that. I’ve done it 6 times now (because I’m insane) and it got pretty much all my alts up to renown 80.
So I have a Night Fae DK at 80 renown and has completed the campaign. I also have a Venthyr warrior at only 56 but with the campaign completed and all three soulbinds unlocked.
However, my new hunter alt is Venthyr, and has not completed the campaign, and Theotar is not unlocked. Draven is, but not Theotar, and when I hover over Theo in the soulbind window, it says to complete the campaign to unlock.
If there’s a way to unlock Theo without doing the campaign on the alt, I don’t know it.
Maybe you should try playing the game. You can get 40-80 just doing the ZM campaign.
At what point did everyone just decide that having to do something for even a minor sidegrade in niche situations was somehow literally ion holding a gun to their heads? Seriously, it seems like in mid bfa or so everyone just decided: having to log in and do stuff = literal genocide on player fun.
After you soulbind with the first Venthyr character, go pick up a quest from Theotar. That should give you the soulbind.
It’s mind blowing people are complaining about renown in 9.2.
Just further proves the point that people will complain about literally anything even if said thing is shoved down your throat for free with 0 grinding needed.
A very vocal, whiny portion of the community wants Fortnite lobbies when logging in and because they have 17 jobs and 45 kids means they can’t spend an hour on anything.
I want to log in and do stuff that I like to do, things that are relevant. I don’t mind hanging out and grinding the stuff in ZM, it’s the latest content, but there is just so much extra slop on top if you are starting from scratch on an alt or as a new player all together. Everyone that is providing negative feedback to the idea of essentially nullifying the renown system in a manner that EVERYTHING, not just specific activities, gives renown guaranteed, is really confusing me as to why they want to keep it in the game as the system in of itself provides 0 gameplay experience other than an arbitrary grind. I’ve done the ZM campaign fully once, I don’t really care to do it again, repeating the same story multiple times is one of WoW’s greatest weaknesses in my opinion.
just because your elitist ego doesn’t mind it, doesn’t mean the rest of the community likes it, read the damn OP and the CC thread before coming in and being a total dbag
It’s elitist to expect people to play the game? Jesus the wow community A) doesn’t know what words mean and B) is entitled.
Really I just dont understand why everyones so surprised by there being grinds for power in a game thats always been about grinds, in a genre about grinding. The gameplay loop is supposed to be about getting stronker, always has, always will but, for whatever reason despite this being a thing since the games inception, its become a huge griping point as if the entire wow community woke up and realized: wow i don’t like pizza, pizza hut should stop making pizza and make hamburgers instead!
But it’s evolved though, it was based on the simple concept of doing content = getting gear = gaining power
Now player power is based behind multiple systems, most of which are treadmills to keep user counts up, that really don’t add much game play experience. The worst part, a big piece that the folks shaming this thread don’t get, is that a new player has 0 catch up like the folks that have played since day 1. If you had to start a fresh character, new account, would you really enjoy grinding a campaign that isn’t relevant, renown that acts more as a goal tender to you getting power, legionaries via torghast since you can’t do ZM right away?
Since people seem to equate me saying that the renown catch up needs to span to 80 and include every activity to me saying get rid of it, I’m not really sure how to proceed here anymore. I hope the CC gets their way, but every ‘you must suffer like we did’ person in here can’t seem to see past their own gameplay loop.
You’re elitist in the fact that you insinuate that we don’t want to play the game your way so we are therefor ‘whiney’. You look to be a WoD baby, it’s not your fault, you’ve grown up in eras of terrible expansions little guy, but don’t worry, some of us old timers with 17 jobs and 45 kids remember the glory days that really made this game.
You don’t want to play the game, you don’t get the reward. You are entitled.
Oh and for your poor attempt at some weird “I’m losing so appeal to authority aurguement” I have played since week 2 of vanilla… sorry you are so upset.
I switched Covenants not even a week ago I and was able to get to somewhere in high 60s from 40 just by doing the campaign quests in about 4-5 hours (with breaks). Finished the rest out through daily tasks in random places over a couple of days. It’s really not that bad of a grind once you unlock the first 80. I’d obviously welcome more improvements though.