basically doing the same old campaign over and over is so much fun to have all soulbinds. renown ain’t quite so bad but them campaigns totally annoying if only blizz balanced covenants and made them awesome for aoe and st instead of having to switch back and forth or making the one you had at 80 straight junk is awesome.
If you find that content so valuable and rewarding, how many of your alts have you repeated it on 100%?
The marketing isn’t telling people to slowly grind through multiple campaigns and earn lots of currencies. It’s telling them “You can buy wow and play with your friends!”
You obviously didn’t even read how it works, so…
You don’t have to do the campaigns to get all the soulbinds.
Are people in this thread just not reading? Seems that way.
They are technically correct that you have to have done that campaign once on your account to have the soulbind skip. From your post, I can deduce that you have done the kyrian campaign on another character previously.
lol… Renown isn’t stopping you from playing with your friends.
If you get your renown to 80, you no longer need to level it
i think you do i’m sitting at 80 with 1 open at the moment. unless i missed a easy way to do it?
I’m guessing you finished those covenants on another character - that unlocks them for all characters and it’s a nice alt bonus
I’m talking about a fresh account with only one covenant complete.
I’m not saying give us the renown rewards, etc… only that at this point it would be nice to be able to have access to all 3 soul binds without the prerequisite.
I’d wouldn’t be surprised you disagree - but start a new account and go thru the steps of wanting to have the soulbinds everyone expects you use and tell me it’s something you still want to do.
A fresh account should play through the game they’ve paid for.
When you buy a game on steam, do you ask them to remove all the content and just give you the game completed achievement?
they have the option to, they can still do everything if the renown is granted to 80 if they want, nothing is stopping them
I will eventually. But I’m also paying for access to endgame content.
“Endgame is king” is what the community has been telling me from the beginning. “Old content is irrelevant” I am told again and again. Well… 9.0 is old content by now. Power shouldn’t still be locked behind it.
You should stop listening to whomever told you this.
60 is plenty. You get so much for doing the ZM questline you’ll be able to get 2 Covenants to 80 by the time you finish.
You should stop trying to tell other people how to play when they express their own opinions.
We all access and pay for the same game - even if we play it in different ways.
It’s incredibly annoying. Frankly I don’t see how it effects you - you obviously unlocked all this over a year ago.
To people like me trying to catch up with limited playtime it’s a pain.
Like I said - put your self in the shoes of someone just coming back and trying to meet community expectations on power choices, you don’t see to grasp the difference between how you play and how someone else might.
No other expansion made you go back 2 patches for power progression. SL currently does.
good luck on the mountain bro, there is a peak eventually!
Unlocking mogs so i can use them while playing my preferred covenant
Did you know season 1 conquest/elite weapons can’t be mogged still if you’re not 80 renown with the covenant you were in 9.0
Right? I couldn’t say it with a straight face either.
Although, prove me wrong blizz.
Never looked at it that way, you’re right, it’s a sense of relief, not a sense of achievement.