Continuing the discussion from Renown 80 Boost:
For everyone that hasn’t seen it, it looks like blizzard is going to continue playing the MAU game and pigeon holing us with renown gates for those who want to swap covenants, play alts, or down right new/returning players catching up. There were a few good comments in the community council thread about how asinine it is to keep this barrier to competitive play in, but once again, Blizzard has decided to continue doubling down on forcing people to grind prior content that is irrelevant to get to the point of relevancy. In fear that the CC will continue to softball questions and not really fight the stupidity as the voice of the players, here is the public blood bath version.
My recommendation for the change:
Renown catch-up acceleration to 80 -
activities to include ANY dungeon, ANY Shadowlands raid, ANY rated or queued BG
I want to be able to progress doing things that are relevant to me, not to be forced into old content that caused me to quit in the first place.
Honestly it is quite sad that they refuse to take feedback on this. Nobody is excited when they hit 80 renown. It is just a sense of relief that a now pointless grind is finally over.
Also waiting until 9.2.5 to update this… that has to be a joke right? If they insist of adding the additional step of a boost to 60, instead of going straight to 80, it should be boost to 60 now in 9.2 and boost to 80 in 9.2.5.
And agreed that all content should award guaranteed renown.
My recommendation is to stop caring. Seriously when I just stopped giving a ratsass about this stuff the game became tolerable.
Which isn’t a good thing, but it is what it is.
I must be missing something, but… why do you care about getting to 80 renown at all?
it still has impact on player power, and the final wickets in some of the class specs are tied to the mid 70s renown levels. Why did you go to renown 80 if you didn’t care about it?
Best to just laugh at the inane nature of things and focus on what makes you happy.
If you take your character through ZM you will grind from 40 to 80 easily. I think that is probably their thinking.
I have hit 80 on 4 separate alts for each covenant and I have to agree, it was lackluster. What was the point? Other than the mounts and the few level boosts they give you for your command table mercs.
Can’t help getting to 80 renown, you get it for free by doing just about anything.
this is what ever tbh
in 9.2 renown is so easy now
you do leveling 50-60 : + 25 renown
you do ZM campaign : + 35 renown
you only need 57 renown to unlock full soulbind traits
There’s plenty of stuff in WoW for me to farm and do while Blizzard gets their act together. Who knows, maybe 10.0 will be the turn around for them?
barred behind RNG for the most part. I resubbed for comp stomp under the idea that I could knock out my mandatory labor easily, but I think I averaged 1:6-7 matches. if it was similar to class hall in legion, or concordance, or whatever the BFA version was that was like an extra 1% dps proc (can’t remember the name), I wouldn’t care, but it’s directly tied to player power and in some cases in an extreme way.
Probably not. Best to not pre-order and wait out like a month after launch when they put in everything requested from alpha.
Play for when it feels comfortable to you, don’t feel pressured to play or endure nonsense just because people will call you weak. That’s crab in a bucket mentality others use to rationalize their gripes.
“”Oh I’m a “hard” individual, if I can stomach this arbitrary design then everyone who doesn’t is a loser””
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If you want to leave and return to a covenant, you need to be at 80 renown to avoid the quests. It’s not hard to get there but I’ve been meaning to do Nercolord on my druid for keys. I haven’t swapped because I have to rush to 80 necrolord between raids so I can jump back to Fae for prog.
I plan on pre ordering but I always love world of Warcraft and never disappointed
(doesn’t mean I like all changes, just the overall enjoyment I get out of it is always positive)
I enjoyed shadowlands much more PERSONALLY then BFA or Legion because I took it less seriously by not being a meta try hard. same time I enjoyed vanilla classic by being a MOONKIN. but i do think legion was the better expansion over all, but no covid and less bad PR/staff problems probably helped.
game is more fun when you want to play what you want to play and maximize it from their instead of allowing maximizing to choose your playstyle.
my biggest grip at the moment is creation catalyst should of been out sooner due to bad RNG and how groups are requiring tier sets as usual with tier gear for content where it is not required.
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You need to be 80 in 1 covenant somewhere on your account.
If you’re 80 on your Night Fae, you can switch to Necro and then switch back to Night Fae. You don’t have to be 80 Necrolord.
But you see where the whole system is kind of shotty on that statement right? You’ve been playing since 9.0 and fairly active? What about returning and new players? They can’t even get the renown booster, they have to slog through 9.0 campaign, a little bit of 9.1 to get flying, and then 9.2 to get to any level of relevancy in the game. Not sure why there is a negative response to the idea of letting people play 9.2 instead of forcing them through the wickets that players that didn’t stop playing or that are trying the game for the first time didn’t do like you did.
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They should play through the content that they paid for.
Why do people always assume that new players DON’T WANT TO PLAY THE GAME and just want to fast-forward to the end?
But I need to be 80 before I leave Necrolord to avoid the penalty quests to swap back for an evening of M+, right?
THIS. My guild’s newest player has become an expert mount farmer.