Lets talk about the proposed 9.2.5 renown 'boost'

You mean the “fill the bar” stuff? They removed those long ago.

When you say play the game you mean play the previous campaigns that not only don’t reward applicable item level gear, but also have such minimal impact on the current tier of content, that is essentially a timegate to hurdle before you can do current content? Should they also queue for nathria LFR too and wait forever since that’s playing the game as well?

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I hate that Convoke, which isn’t even a base druid skill, is such a critical part of my raid healing rotation that I don’t dare risk experimenting. I’ll have to bounce this alt between covenants to see how it works now.

For me the renown catch-up isn’t too bad, but would love it to be faster for off-spec and alts - but they really shouldn’t still be making you finish campaigns to unlock all 3 soul binds (unless you hit 80 already on another character) that’s a barrier I don’t need.

If somebody doesn’t have renown 80 somewhere on their account, they haven’t been playing Shadowlands. They should play Shadowlands. Playing Shadowlands, they’ll get an 80 renown somewhere on their account.

Once that’s done, they can flip ANY character between ANY covenants at will, and instantly, and all of their Soulbinds for ALL covenants will be unlocked on ALL characters.

It’s silly to complain about this.

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Im gonna be honest here. Unlocking the soulbinds and doing renown 80 times four is easy.

The gripe is seeing a character with undone progress and feeling apathetic cause you’ve done it once on main and first alt.

I went from 40 renown to 80 renown in one play session.

You literally just play the game, everything gives you a renown point for doing something.

Aren’t there bigger fish to fry than stupid renown levels for alts? You can hit 80 renown just from dungeon spamming alone while leveling up to 60 from 50…


No, you have to do the quests. I leveled a horde priest alt as Kyrian and at renown 80 she still had one soulbind. I had to do the whole Kyrian campaign. It’s not a huge amount of time but I would have preferred to be working on her gear.

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You don’t even have to TRY at all to get renown at this point, doing legitimately anything will give you renown now. Finish a dungeon? Have some renown. Do zm? Have tons of renown. Do old cov campaign? renown. Raid? renown. Torghast? Renown. BG? renown.

disingenuous comment.

You get renown for certain things, see the OG post from the blue, not everything gives a point as you stat, and at 48, it becomes RNG time if you get the renown or not.

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You only have to complete the campaign once per covenant per account to have access to all 3 soulbinds instantly.

As for the rest of the OP’s whining, what are you even “grinding” for? Some empowered conduit slots?

once again, read the post before you speak incorrectly. the renown boost is why you get renown, it currently stops at 48, you have to do specific activities to gain guaranteed renown after that.

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Conduit rows get enhanced all the way up to renown 79. Not a lot, but it is something.

Also - renown is slow if you aren’t actively pursuing it. Like the boost to 60 should have been there at 9.2 launch, then the campaign can take you the rest of the way.

However if you’ve done the ZM campaign already and are only now swapping covenants or on an alt that doesn’t feel like repeating the campaign, then getting to 80 can take a while if you aren’t explicitly farming renown (i.e. doing callings, Chorghast, etc.).

If you just rely on raid clear, not every boss drops one. Not every M+ completion gives one at around ~68 ish, or its 20 minutes in between.

We should’ve have abandoned renown in 9.0. It has never been interesting. It should have gone the way of AK back in 9.0.

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I have three covenants at 80 and the last one is 65. Grinding renown is extremely easy.


In legion Artifact Knowledge and Artifact Power were buffed into oblivion after the first patch so that anyone could catch up by collecting like 3 thinks of AP

In BfA they pretty much stopped pacing the azerite pieces with having to grind it to death towards the end

If you had the option of a free pass and them abandoning a meh system in which you just got 80 for everything you do, or continuing to grind on any other character you want to play, what would you chose?

OK, so I logged in and tested this right now on my Mage.

My Mage is Kyrian and has never been another covenant.
My Mage is 73 renown.
My Mage is 2/9 on the covenant campaign, never finished it.
Please note that my Mage has all soulbinds available, anyway.

I switched to Night Fae, which I can do without doing anything.
Went to Night Fae covenant hall for the first time, talked to Lady Moonberry, listened to some RP. Skipped ahead to getting the first Soulbind (Niya). Talked to Korayn who’s standing right there to unlock his soulbind tree, talked to Dreamweaver who’s standing right there to unlock his soulbind.

All 3 soulbinds are unlocked. No campaign required.

Oh, and the best part?

I then flipped right back to Kyrian. Even though my Night Fae renown was 7.

It’s all way easier than people think.

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I believe you have to do the campaign to open up ZM, checking now

I really don’t understand why you are so against the idea of scrapping renown at this phase in the game? Did you enjoy it as the expansion progressed? Would you really want to see this subsystem in place again in 10.0?

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Nope, my many alts who have never done any of the campaigns went right to ZM just fine.

Again, people are trying to make things sound harder and more complicated than they are.

you can do the skip to ZM which limits some of the rep and the freebie renown they give you, but to open the actual stage to ZM, you have to complete a campaign

to your previous comment, were the soulbinds completed to 80 or just to the renown you were at (7 I think)?