Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

Thanks, if I see you guys I will wave lol


People in full purple pvp gear are basically unkillable. You can 2v1 them and they will kill both of you and walk away with half health, it wont even be close. I’m in full honor pvp gear some of it upgraded to lvl 8 and a few purple conquest items. These people can kill you in 3 seconds or less like you are wearing greens you got from a world quest 5 levels ago.

CC them, burn all your cool downs, do anything you want - it doesnt matter. You are dead in 3 seconds. Their gear makes them stronger than a 5man dungeon boss.

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Upgrading your gear does nothing but affect the PvE ilvl.

I enjoy playing multiple classes and create my own content which people are enjoying increasingly by anchoring toons on the highest population most active horde servers that still exist. Your view of World PvP is limited to goldshire and Orgrimmar, which by the way you were seemingly MIA last night while your buddies on Tich got camped once again in front of their city.

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buddies on Tich got camped once again in front of their city

I saw you over a course of maybe 30 minutes for a total of only ~45 seconds. And it takes a long time to target you surrounded by a raid group. No one was getting farmed

misinformation creates frustration. people in conquest gear aren’t unkillable but players who think they need to upgrade the pve level of their gear are right now in your bgs.

/tar nameofpersonevenjustthefirsttwoletters

way easier than trying to tab through everyone and their pets


As they always say screen shots or it didn’t happen.

Like I said it kinda sounds like you just went up there to grief a bunch of duelers before getting destroyed when horde got a raid of their own.

And trying to breath life back into the carcass that is wpvp is a futile effort as it was killed by something that has now become an immovable pillar of this game. Flying.


I fight them all the time, they crumble under an actual fight, they only time they are “winning” is when they outnumber everyone.


That is their preferred way of playing! How dare you consider it wrong


Oh, in open world it’s a free for all I don’t really care. It’s just funny to watch them act good when they can’t win fair fights. They also abuse the follower dungeon if they are about to die, not all of them but the all the big talkers do lol

I’ve literally never seen you in game.

No they don’t abuse anything!! Every fight is fair and what they do is important!

I just don’t understand why premades get such a bad rap and I need someone to explain it to me like I’m five years old because i have yet to hear a good explanation from anybody except for maybe one guy but his opinion was different than mine so I put him on ignore and said goodbye!!!

That’s because you don’t know what characters to look for lol

edit: wrong toon, next post will be me

I don’t know what you’re quoting? Some Alliance stuck around, but it wasn’t you – no one got farmed


Haven’t logged on in three days, queue an epic BG - who do I see! A little Vulpera Hunter and his group of merry exploiters :smiley:


Lets see the difference
Premade: Has a leader coordinating attacks, the teams are actively listening, most likely fully geared, know their classes well and react to calls of incoming. Also plenty of healers on their team

Pugs: Usually doing ebg just to learn their class in pvp without causing the entire team to fail, not geared and doing ebgs for honor grind, doesn’t listen nor react to calls of incoming and usually only has 1-3 healers on the team.

Doesn’t really sound fair. It’s like a high school student beating the crap out of a 4th grader, because “they can”. You can try and rationalize it any way you want, but let’s be honest. You don’t care about that, you just care about feeling good towards yourself. Doesn’t matter who you step on in the process.