Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

Because only some communities use it.

It isn’t required to queue sync.

In fact it doesn’t actually do anything to the queue, it just shows the information you can find in the Quick Join feature.

It’s just easier to read.

I asked Deacon, but thank you.

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That doesn’t change the fact that you’re bypassing Blizzard’s intended limit of 5 and abusing the queue system. Call it whatever you want, but it doesn’t really matter anymore. Epics aren’t meant for pug stomping, and the solution definitely isn’t to make it easier for these groups to exploit the system. It’s like you guys want the game mode to die—crazy.


It was taken out for a reason.

That reason was cause “communities” turned the mode into a toxic hellscape mainly.

And its not like anyone is holding the hard line for community in this game like leonidas at thermopylae like they were back in wrath especially not in retail with all its solo que features.


Hirav is just straight up lying. I have all the evidence from the post they spam reported to take down if you want it.


You have jack.

Yeah, I noticed right away he just sealions in these posts


Why you still lying?

He’s desperately trying to run damage control. He even unironically basically said I shouldn’t believe my eyes and I should believe him because I’m “biased”.


I’m not, that’s your problem.

It’s an addon, which some communities use, but not all.

It does not affect the queue.

It is only useful to communities, because it tracks players in the community who are in the queue.

It also is rumored to have functions where the author can track anyone who uses the addon. But since that is, at worst, a self inflicted injury, I doubt it’s high on Blizzard’s radar.

Because relying on your eyes is clearly deceiving you.

No. You shouldn’t simply believe your eyes, because you’re biased.

Where you actually argue that you’re not biased.

Even though everyone is.

There’s a reason the same 5-6 people are commenting in every single one of these threads trying to derail them – they all benefit from this


lmao pot… kettle…black



I know I’m biased, so are you, so is Celinthia, so is everyone.

Lets stop replying to hirav so we can keep this great thread on track.

It needs to keep piling up those likes.


Does BSG have a vendetta against you? I swear I watched one of their videos where some guy spent the first 3 minutes, before I shut it off, talking about the priority being farming someone named “Enfers” or that’s what it sounded like

Maybe that’s why they Merc lol

I’m pretty sure the video had them starting horde side on AV

I think he was talking about the other premade they were up against in that not me.


Oh okay, because they said “Enfers, the blood DK” – I saw your name, and it sounded familiar because I just watched that premade video

That has been the problem - Blizz always goes for the simplest solution instead of the proper solution. Cutting corner always creates a bigger problem.

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I don’t know what video you’re talking about, but Enfers is an epic BG legend. Whenever he’s oppo faction from me I try to get him. It’s not a vendetta, it’s respect. The dodgers miss out on these fun aspects of the game.