Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

We run random BGs and BGB mainly since RBG bracket is dead, we very rarely use discord. Also I don’t orchestrate anything, all the members of the community form their own groups. I haven’t started a group in a long time I just log on and slot in to whoever is playing on whatever faction and I have barely played in the last 2-3 months. So I don’t know where you get your information from but it’s pure nonsense.

I created Horde BGs in DF (Oct 2023) when Horde were getting farmed by Alli premades constantly and now we have built something that lots of people (both factions) get to enjoy. Plenty of people use it to play some games and just have some fun. We don’t win every game but the standard of player is pretty good so if you get a good group together you usually will do pretty well.

Many people have made in game friends through it and gone on to play RBG/2s/3s/BGB and everything you can think of. We are even playing against each other within the community quite often since the last patch has changed everything up. We don’t sync, we don’t snipe and we don’t dodge. We just have people queue as 5 and play whatever lobby they end up in.

It’s just like any guild or community. We started small with a few players and people liked what we did and we found some good people along the way and got them in. It’s been a very natural progression.

I have always been against dodgy behaviour in BGs so for you to come into this thread that’s clearly about the Epic BG and CF Details situation and throw my name around shows you either don’t have good reading comprehension or you are just being opportunistic and are incredibly bitter. But I don’t really expect much from the WoW forums, it’s where in-game nobodies go to cry and derail topics and just waffle on about stuff nobody cares about. It’s really the hall of fame for rejects.

You sound like you have a personal issue with me though, if I kicked you it’s probably because you were toxic or refused to play objective / were an ego padder. Those are the only reasons i’ve ever removed anyone. In over a year and across 700 members i’ve only had to remove maybe 5 people?

Tbh I can make an educated guess who you are based on a few things but nice try posting on a classic alt. Very clever. :dracthyr_shrug:



Two words that should never be in the same sentence.

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large scale team fights in epics are the worst places to learn pvp especially for melee classes.i cant believe 28 people agree with you.


large scale team fights in epics are the worst place to learn pvp especially for melee classes

I’ve found the opposite to be true. That’s where I learn to play new classes in PvP

Breaking News: WPVP is more fun than epics lol

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It was a video of an AV from 6 months ago. I have no idea if it was just the usual trash talk, but it sounded super personal. Whoever the leader was wanted the entire raid to just farm him, which is why the name stuck out to me

For those who dont know, this persons idea of wPvP is nuking the 10 or so duelers outside of Orgrimmar with 40 people. Super fun. Posting on a throwaway obv

Is it wPvP? Yea but it’s cowardly ngl and RR as a whole are not looking for a fight they will lose. They are smarter than that!

My suggestion, next Monday can we stand outside Org and let them come to us? Or run crates? Or just run epics instead so I could at least get some conquest?

I think we would all have a lot more fun to give them time to gather numbers. It always feels like a waste of time so I stopped doin those with them.

We wiped 60+horde last night in front of Org with 40. Multiple times. Thanks for the bump though. Keep us at the top.

Killing the same solo dueling people 60+ times doesn’t count sorry lol

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Go ask Make Durotar Great Again on Tichondrius and Laughing Coffins on Moonguard how they feel. You’re just a troll lookin for some attention. Thanks for the bump. Ruthless Renegades is accepting new members for anyone who wants to enjoy what this game still has to offer.

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I don’t need to ask anyone, I know who you guys are. Gankers that only win fights when you outnumber people.

pvp happens where the people are. sure you can find people questing and gank but its alot of flying around. there is always people in goldshire and out front of org dueling. what better place to find people wanting to pvp?

horde have nick names for him, like Whinefers because every time he mercs, all he does is complain and trash talk the whole match. does he do this on alliance too?

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I have seen him lots of times on horde and have never once seen him “complain”, also what’s wrong with trash talking? It’s pvp.

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He likes his Ashran but isn’t very active in the other epics. Usually idling off at the side somewhere and talking WoW lore or “smol” honor levels.

if your talking about this one

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utNJFrsGSzo&t=62s

He was up against rr and was talking about them.

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I don’t think it was that one – it was posted by someone else in BSG.

I’m just floored the way they talk about other players, and they post the videos like it’s not entirely unhinged

Mhm idk but i’ve become accustomed to that happening. So it doesn’t bother me.

Like the teapots now b line for me every time especially when im solo queing.

But oca or the bsg leaders don’t hate me anymore if they ever did. I’ve talked to them.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JGEDU8IhSE&t=940s

Well here’s the video if you want to see it. They talk about Enfers whispering people

Well in that case i guess i deserved it.

But its not like they went after me the whole game.

But if she was talking about going after me just because i grip her… she’s a healer… thats my whole job as a dk.