Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

Its more frequent the week after classic ashran, Ive done it but the mail Icon bothers me too much so I must collect all mail.

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Brother -same-
I can never have anything in my mailbox. Notifications itch at me till I get rid of them.

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My bad, I should have included in the orginal post but it’s on the blizzard support page.

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anyone better than you***


Thanks for the link Ragarèn!

That answers all the kicked from the BG stuff.

Instant boots are not a thing. Everyone on the team could report ya and you’d have 1 minute to get into pvp, and then another 1 minute before kick. Repeat afkers, don’t get the 2nd minute.

So, don’t afk folks.

If ya feel that losing in pvp is just too hard, don’t q until ya feel strong enough to handle a loss.

Here is the US version of the Blizz support link:

It used to be any kind of combat and not even pvp. Don’t know if that’s changed.

Hey Çhîçkeñ, ya know idk what the systems in Blizz consider pvp combat. You may very well be correct. Some combat, any combat. The peeps who sit in canons all game seem to do this.

Ohh I just Q’d druid heals by accident lol. Looks like I’m healing an Ashran! Let’s do this! Let’s do exactly this!

You are. I have been slowly trying to take it apart and see exactly what they are passing across that data channel. Community leads, Battle.net Friend, etc. How the association works.

After hearing I was looking into how it passes info around, I also was handed a copy of their “Community Flare Details” which these other communities use to Dodge.
It is not on Curseforge and is heavily forbidden from distributing according anyone that talks about it.

For anyone that’s better at LUA and wants to investigate, it’s using Acecomm Library communicating on Bgc:syncData Channel.

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Hey Tyranika,

I don’t know if you have ever tried the TRP3 addon (or other RP addons with same functionality), but these allow players to exchange character stories, back ground, etc. There is even a music addon, to share music they make? Well, soemthing like that.

So sharing data between players via addons is def allowed. And probably present in a lot of addons.

As much as I find the use of this addon cowardly and against good pvp basics, I have a feeling, that as long as the creator is keeping it in Blizz’ lua sand box, they are not violating anything.

Further, re: making public addons, I am pretty certain means just don’t obfuscate and don’t charge (like malware does to prevent reverse engineering, or some addons in the past have done for access). For instance, I use two addons, not many lines of code, one silences the spell woosh when I am mashing buttons like a fool, and the other puts my UI scale to 50%, which is lower than the 65% allowed with base UI settings. Are those against the rules cause I don’t place 'em on Curse? No.

If Blizz does not like the addon, they can easily decide to break it. And maybe they will with the upcoming addon changes (let’s hope for some good changes to pvp addons!).

I agree it is lame to use it, though.

Thank you. I know many addons do data passing. I know its all above board code wise.

I just want it to be transparent in the way it works is all :slight_smile: So if I can release some information about how it works, then people can decide whether they want to keep using it or not.

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Blizzard, can we get a response to this topic, please?


The cat is finally out of the bag (wasnt really a tinfoil theory after all huh) and it’s not a pretty cat.

Surely nobody expected that this ebgs communities were really wholesome as they claim and defend with fang and claw here…


It’s still pretty tin foil hat.

The addon in question does nothing to facilitate queue syncing.

Remember, addons cannot access the queue system, because Blizzard doesn’t allow access to it.

All it does is allow some premades to track other premades and only if they use the same addon.

So it’s hardly the smoking gun some people are presenting it as.

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big reason why pvp is a ghost town at the moment

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Their community is called horde bgs in game. The most popular premade community for Random BG’s. As of present. The leader is Items-Frostmourne. This player basically orchestrates the premade for everybody with Discord. If you dont follow his commands you get kicked from the community.


Tell’em bestie :clap:

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This has been getting really bad lately. I think im just done with epic BGS. It’s not fun anymore.


Threads on premades are getting mass flagged.

Keep them going!


Wow, they all got taken down…


I just reposted mine since they mass reported my last one and got removed