Let's take over Silvermoon!

Where do you see the fel? my eyes are gold BB

I know that the void lords are speaking through you, so I will tell it directly to your masters, the holy light will shine forever in quelthalas! your mutants will never have quelthalas !!

Was talking to the Demon Hunter.

or we can finish committing genocide of the night elves and than use all the blight left from sylvanas the rocket in azshara the stored up un used mana bombs and azsharaite bombs on stormwind and kill all void elves off that would be more likely to happen and way better for azeroth.

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gave them blood elves and now they want our city… this is why they should have stayed blueberries, yall are never satisfied. Cant you just be happy you took our race and be done with it


give them an inch they will want a mile is the saying.

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as long as we can put up statues of various worgen figures in the middle of the city, im fine with it

Let me guess, pro-Helfer?

It really does come up too often in the HE debate. No where else on the forums do I see people wish or fantasize about a Quel’thalas warfront or neutral Quel’thalas or just outright take it, no where else do I see it come up as often as HE topics. And it makes one wonder why.


they want blood elves and would have been ok with that if they got it in tbc and wouldn’t beg for high elves what they really want is blood elves and quel’thalas for alliance not horde that’s really what its about and they are still sour after these years despite the lore in Warcraft 3 and the books leading to tbc and since making that unlikely.

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Yeah, a lot of us understood that it wasn’t right to take a piece of the Blood Elf identity, but still wanted an option for nostalgia sake, and so we asked for a compromise with lighter skin options for Void Elves.

Now most of us are happy (I think), but there’s still some people who are really proving to us that they never respected what the lore team did with the Blood Elves from Day 1.


my point i just made exactly .


The thing is I support HEs as their own separate thing. I’m happy to have HE lore added to allow wayfers from the rift to be VEs.

But the amount of times Quel’thalas comes up, and I’m a BE fan first, is just crazy. And then they play it off like “it’s for the transmogs” like sure Jan. Sure. I’m on your side and I don’t believe that lol.

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they say the blood elves betrayed the alliance when it was the opposite they betrayed them by condemning their prince to death and the planned genocide of their race as well as several years later trying to stop all rebuilding efforts sabatoging the arcane sanctims which results in massive damage and people withering into the wretchets forcing them to accept the forsakens help and joining the horde


the alliance and the elves who betrayed quel’thalas by staying have no claim to the kingdom the blood elves would have never joined the rejoined the alliance


Anduin will love voidwell i’m sure

If you promise to kill that backstabber Lor’themar, I say go for it.

That’s another thing too the attempt to invalidate BEs I firmly speak out against too, it’s just crazy to me. I’ve seen some people think Quel’thalas belongs to the HEs of the Alliance, and that it is the BEs who should live displaced in the Horde lol.

And it’s because of those people anytime any HE supporter brings up a QT warfront I have to really eye them because… I just don’t A, buy it. And B let’s say I did, you just want transmogs from a warfront. It literally opens the door to the most toxic Pro HE supporters and Alliance extremists to que the forums demanding this is the chance to get Quel’thalas, I’d rather not open that door.

One can be pro BE and pro HE or at least I am mostly I just support HEs because I know how much I love BEs so I’m ecstatic that VEs can finally have a backstory to encompass former HEs (the wayfarers) so some people can finally get their HE, I’m gonna play my VE one.

But this Quel’thalas stuff oof, big no. And it’s crazy how echo chambery it can get speaking out against a Quel’thalas warfront like, no where else on the forums does this come up no one else is worried about the warfront system anymore? Go renovate the pile of rocks the VEs live on or something.


Why would you want a cardboard cutout as a city? Even the ruins of Gnomeregan are superior to Silvermoon.

The sunwell got purified ages ago. FYI This sunwell raid also has your legendary bow you can mog from KJ at the end.