Let's take over Silvermoon!

Meh, no point. They’ll just rebuild it back up from mud again.
Honestly one of the things I appreciate about returning to the Alliance? Proper plumbing.


How bout no, let BE at least have that.

Remember the voidwell!

Why did i read this as carpal tunnel

For the Quel’dorei

Soon, Keelen’s Talioring will find new management.

You what now?

Purify the Sunwell with Void energy. Mind you this is for the benefit of Void elves and is in no way motivated in a vain attempt to get back at the Blood elves for the wrongful exile of me and mine.

even if they deserve it
especially if they deserve it

I say you keep your void corrupted purple mitts off MY city.

Filthy traitors…

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Despite the foul acts commuted by the Horde of late, Silvermoon must be protected from Void collaborators such as yourself. Though not originally a fount of The Light, it is so now. The city’s inhabitants were wise to cast you and your ilk out before any damage could be done. You should be thankful that our king took pity upon you and took you in. Attempt to spread your corruption at your own peril, for The Light pass final judgement upon you before you have a chance to even think about the Voild. Praise The Light!

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I Dunno. I’ve the Sunwell get purified by the heart of a Dark-Star.

That’s the same thing powering the Ashbringer.

That’s the same thing powering Alleria actually. If my memory serves. She ate a corrupted Naruu.

Also 10/10 post.

Please maintain a distance of six feet from me Light being, I have no desire to explode.

Though I am thankful for your request it is not needed. I understand how you may feel your Void contamination may attempt to spread to me, but The Light is all protecting. It will purify all who accept it. There may even be hope for those such as yourself if you abandon the Void and embrace The Light.

I see what you did there and I agree :slight_smile:

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And should you ever wish to walk on the fun side the Void is ever welcoming. Trust me, we’re not corrupting monsters everyone else would have you believe.

You two should get together. You know REALLY cancel each other out. That’d be GREAT if you could.

Yeah that was the plan with BFA and look at how that turned out.

Alliance kicked out all horde cities except silvermoon effectively taking the Eastern kingdoms.

Horde lost control of darkshore and Ashenvale leaving the alliance with an infiltration point and the horde lost control of kalimdor.

So much for each side claiming a continent…

Oh go snack on a demon you fel obsessed Blood elf.

That’s a hard no. You’ve gotten enough already.

Um. Wouldn’t that be like a warp core breach?