Lets Revisit Why There is a Black Lotus Problem

Yes. What’s that have anything to do with the FACT that herbs should be spawning in AV if we are to have an accurate vanilla experience?

You admitted yourself that herbs stopped spawning in AV in 1.12 - which is the patch we launched with.

You claim to want a Vanilla experience around the “idea of how people played Vanilla” while making arguments towards wanting people to be able to consume in content that doesn’t require it.

What percentage of Classic players run each lockout religiously compared to actual Vanilla?

I’m just pointing out that your entire argument is flawed, because you want Lotus - not because you want an actual Vanilla experience.

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So then I should be able to buy rank 14 weapons with honor and some marks.

Cause that’s how it was when they took herbs out of AV. You could just buy rank 14 weapons with a couple days of BGs.

Move along. Your argument is invalid.

Yep, and the R14 gear was not tuned to Naxx itemisation like it is in Classic.

We’re not playing an accurate representation of Vanilla.

I simply don’t think Blizzard should interfere with Black Lotus at this point in time and wait until AQ40 to see how it plays out over a couple months.

Wrong, rank 14 weapons were tuned on par with AQ40 items.

Please move along, i’m tired of lapping you.

Everything you have said has been wrong, false, or outright unfounded. Just give up. You are just clearly trolling and have lost.

The mageblade is literally +1 int better than Sharpened Silithid Femur, that’s true. It still makes it BiS into Naxx.

You were never arguing with me, you were just trying to brute force your BS opinions on me. :wink:

You want Lotus, you don’t want Vanilla.


Nothing I have said has been an opinion, and you brought up something that doesn’t have anything to do with the issue at hand.

You lost, you never had ground to stand on. Move on.

The fact of the matter is, herbs spawned in AV during vanilla until the patch before TBC. They aren’t in classic and that has had a detrimental effect on the economy, promoted botting, and has hurt the player experience.

You are arguing against this, with nothing but false logic, your own opinions, and the mentality of the troll. You got rekt.

Stop buying Black Lotus and elixirs then.

Plenty of opinions in there veiled as knowledge, my guy.

You should read the definition of argument.

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Nothing you said was a valid argument, you should hide from the forums for a while.

this is one of the silliest things I’ve read on the forums. Congrats.

Well, my friend, what other reason is there for it to make sense? Why make it not vanilla when it only stands to be a detriment to the game and overall player experience?

Black Lotus spawns weren’t present in AV during 1.12. Classic is 1.12.

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I had plenty of valid arguments, you’re just staunchly holding onto the opinion that a game that is clearly not Vanilla should be Vanilla.

Looking at your guilds logs it’s obvious what kind of player you are, which is fine, people are free to play the game how they enjoy it.

Just don’t come trying to change the game on the forums because you were unprepared to continue your own enjoyment of it.

No, if classic was 1.12, we would have launched with most of the raids, all of the BGs, and 95% of the content already released.

but classic is literally 1.12, with some of the content gated off. i’m not sure your argument here; balance and gear launched in their 1.12 state.

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More things that have nothing to do with the argument at hand.

Look up what a strawman fallacy is, and you’ll understand why you are incorrect and have been at every turn.

Mmmmmmmm… Appeal to authority. Tasty.

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Aye, i worked in the industry for 2 years.

also pretending a game design degree is actually worth anything, even in the world of game design. one of the biggest scams atm.