Let's not forget right-click report

You seem to have a lot of unresolved issues with your life, and I don’t think this is the appropriate forum for you to let off your steam.

So people just found your World of Warcraft character… somehow figured out your REAL NAME through your WORLD OF WARCRAFT CHARACTER… and then they somehow KNEW your beliefs enough to attack you for them?


I wouldn’t pay any attention to this person. They clearly aren’t very bright. They are acting like one of Bill Cosby’s hookups who accused him of something he didn’t do.

No one is saying it’s not possible to be harrassed online. Its absurd to say online bullying is as bad as irl. /ignore them and move on. Put a ticket in they will be delt with. I’m sure we can find a compromise between we can all agree to.

The ignore feature should really be enough. Why implement a feature where you can block players you don’t want to deal with, and still report them afterwards? If anything, you should report the player if they try contacting you after they are on the ignore list.

This is one of the many reasons why the right click report feature is terrible, because people will 100% abuse it. People will get ganked by someone one time and accuse them of cheating. People will have a different opinion from you, and instead of formulating a response back, they will right click report.

Why even have ignore as an option anymore?


I’m fairly certain right-click report was added during late vanilla. Before 1.12 I think.

I recall its addition had an immediate impact on the gold-seller spam and it was a huge improvement.

But I might be wrong. Got a source for when it was added?

Actually, you will be paying a subscription to World of Warcraft which includes both Classic & modern server options. And as modern will continue to have development, your point is invalid.

It was added in TBC patch 2.1

"You are now able to right click a player name to report them to GMs. "

[Wowwiki - Located at bottom of User Interface section of patch notes]

h ttps://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_2.1.0


Actually it isnt invalid.
Especially since the only reason i would have or have a subscription to wow is solely for classic.
In fact I had completely written blizzard off as a game design studio until they announced classic. The majority of classic players probably felt the same way.

If my sub money is going i to development of wow then there should be further development of classic.
Your post is invalid especially since you seem to be biased towards one specific group of players and expect another to pay for your prefered games future development

For all you know, your sub is going towards hearthstone or the new Diablo mobile game.


Targeted harassment isn’t the purpose of the auto-squelch. One person cannot silence another player from participating in open chat channels. If someone is whispering you or a group of players are being mean to you in a dungeon or raid, there is nothing you can do except /ignore them and hope a GM reads that single report you sent. Which, could take several hours or days.

Players don’t want the auto-squelch because it can actually be used by those harassers. Let’s say you’re in a raid and you’re not performing the best and people start calling you bad things and you start complaining. They could report you and get you silenced for 24 hours or until a GM reviews the silence.

That said. I do believe we’re probably going to be stuck with it. So, my hope is that people who do abuse it in that way will be punished harshly. I’m not even sure the “warning” stage should be used for such a infraction even if they have a clean record. Granted, players like that probably don’t. :stuck_out_tongue:


It is
/10 char

They have, it starts as the 3 day suspension, next offense 6 days, the 12 and so on. On the old forums we had some chuckleheads come to the CS forums crying they was suspended unfairly, then a Blue pointed out they was suspended for abusing the report system.

The auto-squelch is not a punishment, it’s a tool to contain the offender until a GM review the situation. JUST LIKE POLICE DETAINMENT


You used the term “offender” as if they’re guilty. Case and point.

Whatever. If that is was what you take away from my comment, You go on with your false narrative. You have no case and you have made no point.

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Guilty before proven innocent. You seem really passionate about this topic?

Whatever to push your false narrative eh? Just show you have no interest in differing opinions or viewpoints. And the best you can do is make character attacks.

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No, it’s no like police detainment. That involves an actual police officer making an arrest. That would be similar to a GM silencing a player while they are investigating the situation. This is more like a group of people at a crime scene holding down a person until the police show up. :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually, that is a better analogy.

You keep using that phrase, but I’m sure if you know what it means.

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