Let's End the Toxicity - Give Ion and the Devs a Break

Whose screaming, burning people? Seems like elves are a real magnet for undead armies…

If you saw the demon ‘blood’ in the WoD cinematic. That was not the consistency of blood.

You guys are green from a whole different bodily fluid.

i’ve been gone a long time, is OP an alt of that tupac guy that used to troll here a lot with super over-the-top fake positivity about blizzard?

Yeah, that’s basically how I feel. Players have the right to criticize the product they’re paying money for, especially if it’s a franchise that they adore.

With that said, this forum is a cesspool of toxic energy that provides little constructive criticism. We certainly don’t need to dilly dally as a community, but there needs to be an understanding that there’s a pretty hefty line between toxic complaints and rational criticism.

The lack of civility here? It’s beyond me. I understand frustration, but it seems like nobody is capable of acting like an adult anymore. Could be due to the anonymity of the internet, but who knows.

Want change? You folks obviously haven’t gotten the change you want thus far, so perhaps take a look at the way in which you provide feedback/criticism.

That or the undercooked fox is back. Remember the new player shtick, praise the devs, then I hate it all burn it down!

This is the same but backwards.

oh yeaaaah, i forgot about preheat too. boy if they’re both gone it’s like the end of an era

This isn’t a charity bud. We pay for and expect and deserve good content.

When I don’t get what I pay for you can be sure my voice and wallet will speak. With only days left to my sub ending fortunately for blizz they will stop having to see me post my discontent soon.

Not like they care, clearly. There needs to be a change of creative game director asap. Someone with vision and creativity.

This world of analytics game needs to get replaced ASAP with some fun creative stuff.


Applying this logic to another industry:

This restaurant that I go to every day has repeatedly decreased the portions without reducing the price, substituted quality ingredients with poor quality ones, taken items I’ve already paid for off my table without telling me, the staff consistently blames me for the low quality food and poor service, openly allowing other customers to harass me for complaining about the meal I’ve paid for. They often ignore me when I ask for a drink refill and when they actually give it to me, its often not the drink I asked for.

…but maybe I should give them a break. It all must a product of my negativity.

Sounds really damn stupid when you ignore the whole video game company aspect…


Can tell you do not work for a living.



They haven’t done a good job in the long run. WoW hasn’t felt like WoW in some time and I think bad criticism warrants bad development choices. At this point I don’t necessarily play for WoW, I play because my friends are playing the game and I always find something else to do after there’s nothing else to do an hour after server reset. It’s not being toxic, it’s stating facts.


Ion Hazzikostas ideas are hacks. He is a lawyer - an attorney. He joined the WOW team during Wrath. He then designed his first raid encounter. What was it you ask? It was The Faction Champions in Trial of the Crusader. This raid “boss” always makes the top 5 as the worst raid boss and encounter in WoW (and usually it is #1). If you joined WOW after Wrath and never got to see the wonder that is the Faction Champs - do a quick youtube search for worst raid encounters in WOW and bask in the glory that is total incompetence of the ideas of Ion Hazzikostas. Things have not improved for him. Subscription numbers got so bad after he joined and took control that Blizzard stopped giving out the numbers. That says all you need to know about how well this guy’s ideas is doing. He joined the team with complete idiotic ideas. His current ideas about game play as idiotic (with a huge helping of arrogance now)> It seems he is incapable of making games that the community wants.

So in answer to the OP’s post - NO. Give credit where it is warranted, but Ion doesn’t deserve any. His ideas have been a disaster. And the idiotic attempt to remove flight backfired in such a spectacular fashion that the Blizzard has spent the last 3 expansions trying to walk it back without admitting how badly they screwed up. It’s just bad systems built on bad systems with a ton of borrowed power thrown in to complicate the already incomprehensible bad systems. Ion should have been fired a LONG time ago. I never thought I’d say it - but I miss Greg Street.


Been that way ever since Greg Street (GhostCrawler) dipped, seems the Devs got an awfully big head after we lost him.

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No. They aren’t doing the best they can.

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Developers should be always striving to satisfy their community, if people arent happy, theyre not doing their job right. Theres always roof for improvment, i still enjoy WoW.
Im brutally casual though

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People have been trashing this dev team pretty much since WoD. I don’t think the protest is working guys. Might be time to go home and just enjoy what we have or move on.

I would know because I was a regular online activist in the late 90’s-early 2000’s trying to get Magic: The Gathering to reprint their expensive cards. They never did, I got in more arguments than I almost want to admit, and now if I’d kept that stuff instead of selling out in disgust I’d be a literal millionaire. That game failed me in every possible way, as a result I’m long done arguing for them to change it and it’s basically dead to me other than a few cards I’m still holding as investments.

TL;DR: Don’t waste the better part of 10 years being unhappy with a game and trying to change it for the better. It’s a waste of energy as at the end of the day nothing changed and it frankly wasn’t that important. I mean, now I have counterfeits of all that stuff. Eff 'em I’d buy reprints but NOOOOO.

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I agree. I appreciate constructive criticism. However, most of what is given on this forum could hardly be considered as such.

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No one is going to take over this game after Ion leaves.

10.0 will be the end. It’ll be the last of Ion, and the last of WoW.

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Do you buy the boards for your the end is nigh signs in bulk?

We have a great supplier that outfits our office, he could really hook you up at a decent price!

nothing is forced you dont HAVE to do anything you CHOOSE to do stuff NO ONE is making you do anything.

ummm ok so what about all the time gate, class/spec imbalance and making Torghast a must to grind for mats for your lego? Is a must lol. You don’t do it you can’t craft your lego.