Let's End the Toxicity - Give Ion and the Devs a Break

if you mean FALSE flagging claiming trolling when simple questions are asked, yeah.

How about NO. and i don’t mean it joking manner either. I don’t wish harm on them but this patch is a joke I can blast thru the dailies in 15 minutes if I decided to put the time into the maw maybe a hour. If I decide to go loot hunting maybe a little bit more. the poor random drops on cooking recipies are a joke 4 toons only one has seen 2.

No there just nothing else to do in SL and I find most people in the older content which is funny. Serious my partner who hated and i mean hated Tannan Jungle when it was current would rather be there than in SL I don’t even play as long as I use to cause it’s not fun. and it’s not getting better even flying is a joke now.

And were not going to dive into the whole management issues and how much they do not communicate or even respect the people who did all the PTR works only for it to be ignored.

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Meaningful choices” have consequences.

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Says the Horde High Elf.

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Aww C’mon Rocky Top…the Eye of Azshara patch was kinda fun

Not everything about later content is bad, I just mean overall.

I am giving them a break from my subscription money. First time I have turned off the auto-sub roll in eleven years.


What’s the last patch you had a good time with?

We can give them a permanent break, aka fire the staff and make wow great again!

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I enjoyed SLs all thru the 9/9. It was after that when the content went dead that I lost interest.
But…if you remove Revendreth and the Venthyr from the expansion I doubt Id even have played it even that much. Once I saw that anima grind…ugh.

Legion was when I started playing the game. I leveled up a few characters from 1 to max then and enjoyed it all until finding out about Pathfinder, which nearly caused me to quit the game after reading what Ion had try to pull and the ongoing issues since then.
I play games to enjoy myself, not be drawn up in infantile petulance, which seems like what Blizzard almost enjoys since WoD and after, even if Legion was a pretty decent expansion in most regards.

I like classic retail up thru Legion for the most part, now that theyve opened up flight for the two expansions.



Here’s a break.

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skilldren#1587 hit me up old man…we can talk about the old days

Nah, I don’t go to a mechanic and say “oh you couldn’t fix the engine? NO PROBLEM YOU DID UR BEST!”

I don’t go to a restaurant and say “oh, the chicken didn’t get cooked? Well you did your best I’ll eat it thanks!”

I don’t think any self respecting “professional” should be given any leniency when it comes to not doing their job and/or doing it extremely poorly.


Exactly. For example, Korthia makes no sense. Why are there no buildings? Why are we in caves? It makes no sense, it could have been great but it is just a bunch of broken rocks and old recycled caves. (Both vanilla cave layouts and WoD caves; yes Ion, we can tell they are recycled assets).

Sprinkling chests and rares around on nonsensical land-mass does not make for compelling content. I cannot help but feel they literally and figuratively phoned it in. It is obvious the current design team does not understand the adventure and RPG nature of the game.


In practice, the “we ALL need to work together” part is not going to happen, trying to force positivity does not either, especially when you purchase a game and having to wait for almost a year for new content and the content is so little for the amount of time that the patch was in development for.

Also to add, they have been ignoring feedback and have been silent on the issues that are still present, they know that the patch was not ready still after this time, examples like random frame drops (This was not an issue last patch), or a rare spawning animation in Korthia literally tanking my frames when doing it and top it all this, Content is very little for again the amount of time this patch has been development.

I know we are a negative community and I would agree but when there are flaws in the product, you know a couple of your customers will complain or give feedback to improve it and you go against the feedback by ignoring those said flaws to fix, eventually you will have a couple of customers going to be fed with up with it and go take their business elsewhere as their voices are not heard.


Im non toxic and pthalate free. Ion has an amazing way of reaching all types of players…not just raiders. And at a mere 15.99 a month and no in store purchases…its a freaking mazing what you can buy dev wise with that payola…

Exactly. World of Warcraft is easily a fantastic bang-for-your-buck with the wealth of entertainment it provides for a mere 50 cents a day. It’s really hard to beat that value and Blizzard continues to deliver time and time again!

Disagree. Holding a company’s feet to the fire is what the customer should be doing. The fact that it’s gotten this bad is just as much activisions fault as it the community’s. If they want to foster a healthy community then the devs and activision as a whole need to stop treating themselves as rockstars and actually make the game we want.


Sorry. Couldn’t hear you over the sounds of your screaming, burning people.

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