Let's End the Toxicity - Give Ion and the Devs a Break

your not forced to do anything its your free will nothing legally is making you do it nothing threatening with violence is making you do it as such you are not FORCED your willfully doing things you dont want to do you are not FORCED .

I might agree if WOW was part of a new company. But Blizzard is 30 years old. They have been a part of Activision Blizzard since 2008. As long as the profit margin is acceptable, I don’t think they give much thought to the product itself.

I love how you keep saying the same one point but fail to answer my many other complains which the dev can fix. But nope. But hey I guess no one is FORCING you to answer them too.

I do not understand the situation you are describing here. If you want to have the old norms and standards WoW is supposed to have, you are forced to work for them. In the past you simply could have bought flying for 5k and now you cannot, as an example.

I do understand the emphasis on the “forced content”-argumentation because it is true, to a greater extend. The developers failed time and time again to cultivate a fun environment and we’re at a point where Blizzard employees and gameplay designer are mocked for being inferior to the Final Fantasy 14 staff, which is true.

You reap what you sow and, like with the negative feedback loop for the Alliance-players, this Pro-FF14 comparison agenda will not stop anymore. They had time to act upon all the problems people have talked about but they did not and love to resent the community rather fixing the artificial problems they brought in so they will be miraculously solved in 9.3.

i keep repeating it because you still insist your being forced when you are not… your not forced to do anything and if you dont like whats going on doing things you dont wanna do willingly even if your guild mates say you have to you dont have to do it nor do they you want to to do it the fact you cant get that in your head is mindblowing no wonder the devs are ignoring people with your mindset … i feel sorry for them having to deal every day with people who think as you do.

Sure when ion stops all the time gating, the awful and badly design system upon system, the class/spec imbalance the imblance of anima powers in torghast for different specs. Please answer that and try to defend it Please really love to hear your excuse.


I created a FF14 account today. So I actually AM doing something about it.

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ion is best suited to develop a remastered minesweeper.


Nah, we gave them a break at the end of BFA and let them have a clean slate to undo their terrible design decisions in shadowlands.

Then when we gave feedback on all their new terrible design decisions throughout the Shadowlands beta, issues the playerbase knew were going to be problems from the moment they showcased them, and they brushed it off and pretended that the playerbase was stupid, as per their usual routine. Now those terrible design decisions have made for a terrible expansion, just like the playerbase said.

So now they can go suck an egg.


You’re right, they’re absolutely doing their best at not properly communicating with the community.

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I see more toxicity on these very forums from players trying to force their views onto other players.

As far as the Dev team goes, lets just say you’re in a band and the lead guitarist is doing his best but his best isn’t good enough he would and should be replaced.

I’m a long time player, since the BC days. My opinion of this expansion is poor, to say the least. This is the first time in many years that I don’t enjoy the new content. I still like doing older content, which keeps me around. But, this expansion is awful in my opinion.


If your positive when things suck that encourages them to make it suck even more. Negativity is a must when things suck.

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Can’t tell if troll or family tree doesn’t split.

Yes, since he is a broken record about making “meaningful choices”

Yeah. The only meaningful choice involving WoW is whether to keep paying a monthly fee for F2P level content.

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It’s probably more toxic to “give them a break” and not only excuse them, but thank them for delivering a turd. Oh, I guess we should be thankful it’s dry instead of wet?

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I like Ion and the devs I know of.
I do miss GC, I loved GC, but the community hated him too and he was leading the team during the height of WoWs popularity.

Basically, the community sucks and will never be happy because they’re determined not to be.

That’s awful that you experienced that with doctors. My approach to the treatment and lack of it that has almost killed me some years ago because of being ignored, belittled and not taken seriously is to not waste energy on those doctors. To make my well thought out, wordy but still respectful voice heard and then turn towards doctors who CAN help. Im not going to waste one bit of my life on being hateful or verbally toxic towards doctors who don’t see me as a person who needs care. This goes for everything else. Choosing to he respectful is something I do for me and to support the way I want to be. Others can be toxic. That’s their choice.

They don’t listen to their player base . And by the time this expac is nearly over they will have lost 50- 75% of their casual base I’m sure .