Let's End the Toxicity - Give Ion and the Devs a Break

Ion and the devs are doing the best that they are able to with what they have.

Many people are complaining about 9.1, but based on what I’m reading on wowhead, there’s quite an amazing experience to be had. We even see reintroduction of previously-removed items - something like that is a positive sign, on top of all of the content I see on wowhead.

We as a communitity are largely negative (myself included), and it’s time we finally stop being negative. The community in a competing MMO that I recently started to play is very non-toxic, and the players have an amazing relationship with their developers. Coincidence? I think not.

Give Ion and the devs the break they deserve and let us start being positive as a community :slight_smile:


I don’t think you understand consumerism.

If a product has problems, the consumer has every right to complain. Blizzard, the Devs, and the rest of the corporate team are not your friends. They are not on your sports team. They are not your neighbour.

Some walk with their wallets, some complain because they feel invested in this. Both are well within their rights.

Now, abuse is different and no one should suffer that.


The white knight is strong with this one and no we do not give them a break they have been screwing up since WOD when they tried and failed to remove flight.


That’s a gentle way of saying fire them.


I hate it when people whine and make ridiculous complaints, but constructive criticism is healthy and important.


How do you know? I say theyre ignoring feedback on purpose.

No they dont. They ignore feedback of their customers and create boring content.


‘‘bUt ItS bEcAuSe wE lOvE tHe GaMe ;(((((((’’
this game has a lot of old people playing it and they like to complain a lot, the forums dont reflect the actual wow community; only those who like to cry abt the tiniest changes that they would not have even known abt if they didnt read the entire changelog


Man I wish I could do that at my job. Just halfass it, or flat out not do my job, or lie to the customers and still be congratulated.


I’m still in a “wait and see” mentality.

If in 6 months, things are back to normal and running smoothly, then I’ll consider this last year or so a bad period of WoW… but not 100% the fault of Blizzard.

We did go through a pandemic after all. I don’t think Blizzard handled that time as efficiently as they could/should have, but I also don’t think this has all been 100% their fault either.

If in 6 months, the game is still late on releasing content, and is still a buggy and unbalanced mess, then I will most likely unsub and move on.

I guess I will have to wait and see where we are then. I do hope for the best, as my many years playing this game has been a lot of fun.

  • has a transmog from the item shop *

If I had a job to make customers happy and made products intentionally against what they wanted or asked for, I’d be fired.

In fact, I work in customer service partially. If I treated customers anything like the devs in the, “You think you want it, but you don’t,” crowd, I’d be fired.


Alright we start with vulperas then


pardon me ?

Vulpera were a mistake.


I think a lot of Blizzard employees have fallen into the mentality that we cannot stop playing this game, and will stick around no matter what they say and do.

And while a lot of us do stick around longer than most would since we’ve been playing for a long time… that will eventually come to a breaking point. One day, they could push the majority of us to a point of no return with their aloofness and borderline arrogance.

I think the more racial options, the better. I don’t even care if they add races I find absolutely ridiculous. I simply will not play them. But if someone else wants to, and they find them so fun that they stay paying a subscription and playing, then it’s no concern of mine. /shrug


I’m already stepping into FFXIV. I’m finding Gladiator and White Mage are -very- fun. I’m only maintaining a sub for TBC Classic atm. As soon as I’m in my BiS purples from crafting, I’m legit done until Phase 5. All the stuff I have lasts until Phase 5.


The only thing I’m not enjoying about 9.1 is how little there is to do in the first week.

Nope because you have seasonal titles in classic now so you’re missing out when you do

That doesn’t bother me in the slightest.


I eventually will end up giving FFIV a try. I just don’t think it’s my “cup of tea” from what I’ve seen. I’ve tried ESO, and didn’t last long. I’m sure I’ll try the newly releasing MMOs coming out the next few months as well.