Let's End the Toxicity - Give Ion and the Devs a Break

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Once they pull that rip cord I’ll give them some slack. They need to stop this borrowed power non-sense.

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Right after 9.1 drops too.

Very weird.

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Here’s one for the devs:

Respect and empathy should be given to those who deserve it.

Not the people who work on a game that consistently underwhelms a dedicated community, and then cradle their bruised egos because the fans bite back. Not the developers that stumble through a series of reviled storylines because it’s harder to cover up some old dinosaur’s bad writing than it was in 2005.

I sympathise with any 19-year-old who charges through a digital media course and jumps at the chance to work for a brand-name company, due to a naivety on how that company hurls prospect talent into their crumbling game-factory. But, really, I’m not paying for excuses over here.

Grow up, developers. If people say, “Devs don’t care”, you’d better take a moment to wonder what you’ve done to elicit such a wild claim, before you start crying about how it make you feel. Either hitch your wagon to a better caravan, or cop it on the chin and fix your messes like an adult.

My Unpopular Opinion!
Im all for being and giving respectful, constructive, polite, intelligent feedback. Feedback contains both the good and this is a suggestion for something that might help. Its a working process and one that takes determination to stick to the process and keep on at it. At times it might feel futile but it isn’t.

With the amount of rude, cruel, sarcastic, snarky, and hateful comments coming from some sections, why do people expect to be listened to or their ideas respected? That is a legitimate question on my part; I’d like to understand. If a person goes to the doctor and wants help with an ailment, and you speak like that to your doctor, do you feel like you’ll actually get help?
Also, it took years for some to play a game and become hateful. It will just take years for them to do the same elsewhere.

Have you considered that, perhaps, people have become snarky and cruel because they’re being ignored?

Can you honestly say that Blizzard is any closer to taking on the community complaints than they were five years ago?

If I went to my doctor every three months to fix an ailment, and he began charging me more and more despite the ailment getting worse, do you think I would continue paying them in good graces?


Honestly the devs have not done anything wrong, because everything they put out works, its not massively bug riddled, our launched completely broken. There are a few, oh these are some weird random bugs but for the most part its all fine.

The problem is who ever is making the design choices, those people are deserving of the flakk because the design choices being put in are not good ones. The way the budget is being set up at blizzard is not good, because all we keep getting is horrible systems.

THat said, i personally really like the Korthian armor system a lot, im a big fan of having more control over how and what i gear up and have a way to farm it. So for me 9.1 basically gave me what i wanted.


Ive had experiences at doctors where my conditions or ailments have been ignored when all I wanted was answers. Im always respectful and try to work with others. Would I be the same if I could do it again? YES!! I would only make my questions more blunt, direct, and ask repeatedly for communication and answers. But I will ALWAYS be respectful and polite. Make from that what you will. The medical analogy is one I’ve been there and done that to heck and back !

People choose how they react. And act. Those are two very separate things. You can be treated unjustly and still choose to comport yourself well. Or you can choose to act in another way.

I generally choose to expose the ignorance/stupidity of the other side before I finally give up and ignore them, lol.
If one is going to say stupid things with zeal and dare I say conviction thats demonstrably false then one should probably be taught some life lessons that will teach one to stop making statements about any given topic until one knows what one is talking about.

I had a doctor…actually a few doctors…who nearly killed me over their bullheaded arrogance that couldnt accept the fact that they were wrong.
Even after the fact they never apologized for nearly costing me my life, not over lack of information…they had the relevant data…they just chose to ignore it and use me for a lab rat…so they get derision and insults as far as Im concerned

Agreed. Ive seen a few problems but its more likely on my end than theirs.

Every bit of that.

what they clearly DONT consider…even AFTER being told 400 times in here…is BLIZZARD REPS TELL us to post what we have to say in here. Theyve done the same thing when Ive had a few complaints that didnt meet the ‘send a report’ level…but were just more personal opinion of the game.
No member has ANY right telling us to not complain about the game in here when bliz staff has told us to.

3 of the last four expansions have been turds…and somehow they still cant figure out what theyre doing wrong…EVEN THOUGH beta players have posted in here saying they were given input, but just ignored it…again.

Lets not.

Otherwise they’ll never learn.

This thread is amazing when you realize the OP is being facetious.

Sounds like my mother a few years back. Doctor was not listening to her at all and telling her she was having a bunch of unrelated issues instead of listening to a word. Later she gets diagnosed with MS when the doctor she had was telling her she just needed to eat more iron.

Was very crazy how night and day the difference was for her having a doctor that actually listened to what she was saying and drew the conclusion before hearing one symptom and screaming what it had to be.

yeah…we call that trolling around here…so the thread went more or less like every troll thread goes.

Are you having fun, at least?

I was gonna say. Birdbeak or whatever has been laying on the shtick very heavy lately and I could have sworn I saw them singing a different tune no more than a month ago.

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Give them a break? Sure, arm or leg?


with everything up to Legion.
After that… :face_vomiting:

This is interesting,fence sitting. In a world where people have to decide which faction a person has to play you want the middle ground where everything is neutral ,understanding,peaceful even in a world of chaos and destruction. You know full well that is only a dream.

Wow has never been peaceful and that there is reflected on the people that made the game and us as it’s players. Can we come to a fence sitting state hardly.

these guys just dismiss all the players ask for and go along with the silly experiments with the game then whan it fails they just repack it for the next expansion time after time they inherit a great game others created then break their own arms patting themselves on the back

give them a Break?


These forums wouldn’t know trolling if they were clubbed under a bridge.