Let's End the Toxicity - Give Ion and the Devs a Break

My own thoughts on the team are that they don’t represent the MMORPG population at all.

Whether it be raid or die or the foolish way the world has been treated the modern game is a serious departure from MMORPG genre design principles.

Some of the team is obviously good at what they do. The cinematics team is the best in the industry (not the in game garbage cinematics). The music is always good. The concept artists do the best you can expect.

The entire game industry is just suffering from bad ideas. Such as platformer mechanics in a Doom game or instanced content for MMORPGs. Things that are done not by serious fans of the genre but people with their own MUDWhimping visions of what they think is best for the game.

Regardless, WoW has had 110 million subscribers at one time or another and managed to eek out maybe a couple million during the tail of 9.0. It’s abundantly clear this current vision is not what MMORPGers want and so a change in leadership is called for. Maybe even a different team.


My Unpopular Opinion!
Im all for being and giving respectful, constructive, polite, intelligent feedback. Feedback contains both the good and this is a suggestion for something that might help. Its a working process and one that takes determination to stick to the process and keep on at it. At times it might feel futile but it isn’t.

With the amount of rude, cruel, sarcastic, snarky, and hateful comments coming from some sections, why do people expect to be listened to or their ideas respected? That is a legitimate question on my part; I’d like to understand. If a person goes to the doctor and wants help with an ailment, and you speak like that to your doctor, do you feel like you’ll actually get help?
Also, it took years for some to play a game and become hateful. It will just take years for them to do the same elsewhere.

I mean, people are allowed to complain and give constructive feedback if they don’t like something.

I disagree, given how long they had to make this patch. mediocre at best.

You can look online for the content release date and days until the next patch. This content drought was the longest in WoW history.

Their decisions are heavily driven based on money. Much more so than previous years. If we don’t show negative feedback now, when do you think the next patch will be released?
Let Ion and the Devs know the state of the game, then they can take that up with their corporate overlords.


His negative troll threads stopped getting bites because everyone was over it. Now he’s going the opposite route for attention. Just look how many bites he got with this thread. And look at his recent comments in other threads. It’s sad.



OK let’s make a deal. If Ion resigns, then we’ll stop criticizing Ion. :slightly_smiling_face:


Positive? Sure.
Licking Ion’s nuts? Nothanx


If they had just let covenant choice be purely a cosmetic/lore/interest thing, and had a row of talents for the covenant abilities, then at least people would be happier with that system. We helped all the covenants, so I don’t see why we couldn’t benefit by keeping one ability from each.

I like covenants, but I don’t think anyone finds it enjoyable swapping covenants to play certain specs or because balancing changes what’s good. I know it’s not necessary, but the game is competitive and even if the difference is minor, people still complain if you aren’t the absolute best. I’m a necrolord MW, and I don’t think I have it in me to have to swap and regrind renown + anima + all of the buildings and unlocks again just because Blizzard decided that a talent row of abilities didn’t fit their vision of the game, despite a lot of people asking for it.


What I got from this post:

  • “People who are older than [x] shouldn’t be permitted to play the game.”
  • “Young people never complain about anything.”
  • “I get to complain because I’m special.”
  • “I know nothing about how the changelog works.”
  • “My end game is logging into this character to show that young people who hate old people are the true demographic.”

It’s a veiled attempt at recruiting for another game. He’s also trying to stir up controversy to argue and feel important.

I should feed this troll, but it is actually only a troll post.


I wouldn’t even call it veiled. It’s actually super obvious.

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Why did I suddenly get the “cause I’m a dentist” song from little shop of horrors stuck in my head when reading this thread?

They can have a permanent break. Just have them turn in their badges and never come back.




No 10chars

I’m gen z and I complain it’s not that people are old try again

How about no. For the amount of time this patch took to rollout it’s relatively small. Korthia is a new quest hub at best. Some lazy % tuning to lagging specs that could have been done in a hotfix or during 9.0.5. Hopefully this new dungeon provides more than 2 weeks of content given no M+ and nothing really great comes out of it.

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Is 48 old? I dont feel old. Okay, I dont feel old today :joy:
Im not complaining about the game. But I will complain about the amount of ff14 shilling/butt kissing/etc because they have their own forums. If people were talking up ESO, I’d understand. Plus, they dont have forums anymore! Or soon will be without them.
Ive been spending my time trying to be positive about what I have fun with in Wow. With all the negativity, SOMEONE has to be positive! Might as well be me :blush:

nope. they deserve it


They aren’t giving us a break with systems upon systems.

Feedback of all kinds is good even negative feedback.

People are tired of ion and the devs creating systems no one wants and ignore player feedback while also saying stuff like “we just need your feedback to improve”

People are sick of asking not to get slapped in the face and then getting slapped on the face by ion and devs. While the devs say “well you should’ve told us not to”

So no one should give them a break. I’m sure there fine people outside the game, albeit more competitive at the air hockey table, but here they deserve all the criticism they get.