Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

High Elf options are incomplete. Missing hair, missing EE toggle. We have a few tiny high elf options that don’t look correct with the hair we have and it just looks clownly and fake.

Tauren again, still doing better than us. Tuaren have a lot they can do, they also have paladins. Void elves lost access to paladins, and we don’t have Demon Hunter. We are two classes minus from Blood Elves with nothing added in return. Making us just a worse version to play for diversity. Less customization options, less classes. Void Elves are a trash package.

TBF, giving it to most races were a mistake

Easy bait thread, and at the time of this writing, 82 replies, including the OP.

When the high elves start a new thread, there is 3 simple steps.

  1. Scroll to the bottom.
  2. Click the bell and choose “Muted”
  3. Leave thread.

And theeeeeere is the next request after the hair styles and EE.

Honestly, the Helves tend to be just the same every single time I talk to one of them on the forums, it’s insanely predictable. You didn’t lose access to classes that never had access to them, but again it’s that feeing of being victimized because the compromise isn’t good enough for you.

Honestly, I’ve made my point. The Helfers will never change.


Oh i can agree. It makes sense for human, elf and dwarves since they were the biggest of the races fighting arthas. But im fine with just core races only.

Minor quibble here, humans actually got this one from blood elves in Wrath.

Void elves are the only AR that gets undead skins on DKs.

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I never made a request. Just saying what happened. Void Elves are getting paladins either way since blizz said they will add all classes to all races.

Eh. They are different enough. And that’s also why I asked for them. They look decently Thalassian. It would make sense for them to share that with humans since humans took after the look from Thalassians. It comes full circle.

They have to justify it lorewise. If you think the dk community was pissed, just wait until the dh players catch wind. Dk lore was ruined, imagine the reaction from dh players on theirs.

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How was it ruined? The Lich King Raised more DK’s. That’s all he has to do. He has always had that power. And he did it to fight the legion. Sounds fine to me. Makes perfect sense.

Gnomes, Goblins, trolls, and Nelves just don’t work for me.

But then again I was a stickler for the whole fallen paladin theme, and Orc DK’s just work because well they were the originals, not Scourge but they were the first

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That wasnt the lich king. Bolvar had no claim to that title. He was a pretender. Still allied races as dks absolutely dumped on dk lore.

Paladin , Shaman , Druid … this will be awesome :blue_heart:

Enjoy High Elf Classes


Blood Elves don’t have a drastically different second visually distinct set of options, most races do not, but it definitely sucks their second visually distinct set of options came at the expense of BEs visual uniqueness.

And when VEs get addressed again it should be Void options like… its like they’ve arguably been a detriment to two things now, VE fans getting a void pass, and BEs retaining visual uniqueness.

I still don’t know why Blizzard doesn’t at least make these threads stick to a megathread like they used to.


He took the mantle and had his power. That happened during Wrath which everyone goes on about being a good expansion for the lore.

I don’t see why allied races are a problem. SO you’re saying Zandalari are a problem? Because they were around during wrath. Seen some that were turned undead. Why couldn’t they be dk’s?

Same for Kul’tiran. They were surely around to get turned into dk’s.

Dark Iron Dwarves have always been around. Why wouldn’t they get turned into dk’s?

Stop it. You’re about to get a second visual theme if the leaks are to be believed. Darkfallen options are coming.

Arthas raised very specific races for his death knights. He turned them into the best army/ shock troops to exist. Unwavering, steadfast. The original gen 3 are the only true dks. Allied races and pandas make absolutely no sense being dks.

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Sadly we’re too far past the Belf unique look, and I actually feel for that pain. I’m not an Elf fan, my forum posts very clearly show that. But in catering to one group, they’ve trampled all over two other groups, and I find that very rude.

I truly hope Velves and Belves are the focus for the next three or four rounds of customization updates. They deserve to have something added to them that isn’t either removing it from one or isn’t thematic for the other.


Arthas had Zandalari DK’s. We see them in the troll dungeon.

Kul’tiran are just humans. It makes sense he raised Kul’tiran humans. Especially during WC 3 when they were more prominent.

Dark Iron Dwarves have been around with reg dwarves. I am 100% certain plenty were raised back during wrath and wc 3.

Well Pandas are possible due to the wandering isles but they would be very rare

Those were Drakkari not Zandalari.

Blood Elves are getting Darkfallen options. Aka Dark Rangers/San’layn stuff. That is what they’ve requested for years. So they get their second visual theme, and there’s will likely be fully completed. No reason we can’t have ours topped off.

We definitely see some Zandalari in with the mix.