Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

It feels bad honestly. Not only is our city still in shambles our race is the most ignored when it comes to customizations.

I mean damn i can feel the anger nelf players have with blizz treating your race badly

You really have a lot of resentment towards us. High Elf players only are like this because we’ve been the one fanbase that’s constantly screwed around with. Like void elves? WHY? Why couldn’t they have just been high elves? Why do that? A huge middle finger. Like yes, give us something somewhat similar but like… not at all what we were wanting, and then we’re expected to just be okay with that? To shut up and be thankful that we got the worst possible outcome of what we were asking for? Yet another corrupted elf when we wanted a non corrupted high elf? All they had to do was just give us high elves from the start. Why are we the ones who have to have compromises. People requested vulpera. They got freaking vulpera. No compromises. No hairy goblins. Just straight up Vulpera. And us? Had to be a compromise. Had to give us that little smack in the face. Of course we’re all disgruntled.

I’m just saying, Blizzard should hire me and just let me do character customization, I’ll make them look amazing.

Well we Night Elves did get a decent amount but at the same time compare to the Dwarves, Orcs, Humans, and trolls, then not really.


Yes please and nice high elven tattoos … don’t forget them…
More class/combinations - Paladin and Shaman … ok and Druid .
Thank you :blue_heart:

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You have my vote :+1:

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I won’t let you down, then again the bar for Blizzard is pretty low atm .

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Stop trying to pick at the corpse of Void Elves and calling it justice for some perceived wrongdoing.


Night Elves have gotten it worse than you.

Tauren have gotten it worse than you.

The Forsaken have gotten it worse than you.

You’re sitting here playing a victim card for a race that was never available to you and somehow believe you’re entitled to getting what you want because you’re a victim. It’s exactly why the Helf community is so looked down on; you think there has been some ultimate wrong against you just because you don’t have your blond haired, blue eyed, pearly white skin Elf on your preferred side of the factions. That’s it, there’s nothing deeper than that. It’s a very surface level, very shallow belief that you’re owed this as if you’ve suffered for years without it.

Yeah, I have resentment towards the Helves. The community as a whole has been a huge echo chamber of non-stop demands, almost akin to Karen’s demanding they get everything they ever ask for. And they keep getting compromises, and it keeps never being enough. It will never be enough, we have 17 years of actual evidence that your crusade has no end. Because even if you managed to dismantle the Void Elf race entirely and get your precious “High Elf” tag next to your name, you’ll begin the next round of demands. This is the type of personality the Helf community has shown for years, and this is what you’re known for.

But alas, the argument is moot. Like I said, you’ll get your customizations, you’ll get everything you want, and it’ll never end. The rest of the races should just be shoved aside so that the Helfers can get their perfect creation. Screw everyone else.


This didn’t need another thread.


Perfectly said :clap:


As a BE fan I’m not particularly happy about losing visual uniqueness again and again and yet there’s still something to lose apparently bcz Helfers want hairstyles and an EE toggle and Paladins.


Completely agree. Belfs are my favorite race and what have we gotten except customizations and unquieness taken from us.


All of those have more options than void elves. What are you even talking about? And Tauren, I mean you have reg tauren, and highmountain tauren.Highmountain tauren are basically just additional customization options for reg tauren, let’s be real. You’re on the same faction unlike void elves, so there was no real reason to split them up. But as a tauren player, you definitely have options. You even get to choose which druid forms you like, highmountain or reg tauren.

Void elves are also the only AR to benefit from undead skin tone options that DKs get.


What does that even mean? Void Elves always look pale and sickly looking.

That too. Not only have they taken the unquie looks of belfs but void elves were given access to a class they had no business getting access to.

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I personally wish it was available to all Velves, but that’s just me. :frowning: Something in the trade that was some sort of… not helf.

They gave every race DK. WHy shouldn’t they get dk? You make no sense.

Okay, so this is only about appearance and not the race as a whole. Thank you for clarifying that, once again confirming it is extremely shallow what the actual argument is.

And you have two options in one race: High Elf and purple High Elf. Sounds like you’re all set, glad we could settle that.


Because dk is a unquie lore rich class that was specifically created as the soldiers of arthas. Giving it to the allied races was a mistake.